Search Results for: apple

5 Sci Fi Movie Gadgets That Exist in Real Life

sci fi gadgets

Sci-fi movies have long promised an eventful future filled with spaceships and worker robots. Surprisingly enough, not everything from sci-fi movies is fantasy. Sure, we don’t have anti-gravity landspeeders yet, but check out this list for swanky gizmos from sci-fi movies that have already become a reality: 1.       Robots Who doesn’t love R2D2, C3PO and Wall-E? The number of sci-fi ...

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How to Properly Discard an Old Smartphone Before Upgrading

Unsurprisingly, the unveiling of the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus has already hit record preorder numbers, foreshadowing probable record-breaking sales. With carriers like T-Mobile offering flexible, highly appealing service plans including free music streaming, rollover data packages and in-flight texting at no cost, an accommodating service plan makes it even harder to not want to upgrade to a new ...

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15 Mobile Apps to Make Your Life Easier

It’s pretty hard to function without a smartphone these days. Need directions on where to find that new restaurant? Check. Need help finding an alternate route to avoid that two-car pileup on the way to work? Check. Need help figuring out what the hell foie gras is? Yup. Smartphones can help with that too. Our smartphones have become more like ...

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Welcome to the Year of High Performing Phones at Lower Prices

Gone are the days when you had to pay big to get the best performing smartphones. According to NDTV, last year could be seen as the year when there is a shift in the type of competition manufacturers were engaging. Before 2014, the competition was all about bringing the best specs and it gave us the flagship mobiles like the ...

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The Best Screen Protector to Drive Gawkers and (Visual) Hackers Away

This post brought to you by 3M Company. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Gearfuse. Infiltrated, compromised or otherwise breached cell phones, sadly, continue to be the scourge of this digital age. As mobile phones have gotten a lot smarter, they have become more like computers and less like phones, thus vulnerable to hacking.  But unlike laptop ...

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The Next Steps in Mobile Marketing


Has your marketing strategy adapted to the enormous shift from traditional media (TV, Print, Radio)? What about from fixed Internet (desktops, laptops) to mobile? If your company has a mobile-friendly version of your site and a mobile app – you may have already discovered some of the challenges and opportunities of the “mobile explosion”! Globally and in the US, we ...

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5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Smartphone

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Smartphone

So you got a brand new smartphone as a present, and you are perhaps wondering, what’s the new stuff all about? Yes, you can make calls, surf the internet, check email, click some photographs, and listen to music. Umm, is that all? Do not be confused. Your smartphone is not intelligent enough to brew your morning coffee just yet. However, ...

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Which Market Sectors Should You Invest In?


Today, with interest rates at all-time lows people who are looking to devise retirement strategies that will enable them to live comfortably when they come to the end of their working lives, or for any other purpose for that matter, will need to consider alternatives to simple savings accounts. Planning for retirement When planning for retirement it should be borne ...

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Which Mobile Operating System to Choose?

So, you have made the decision to abandon your old “dumbphone” and make the switch to a much smarter one. It’s understandable, as smartphones are very accessible and useful today, and the mobile data plans are always getting cheaper and cheaper. Once you have chosen to make the switch, the question arises: which mobile platform to go for? Let’s take ...

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Online Gaming Trends to Watch in 2015

  As we approach the end of 2014, it’s time to turn our attentions to the future. In the digital sector we’re always thinking about ‘the next big thing’ and the kind of technologies that are going to evolve throughout the next twelve months, taking the world by storm. We’ve seen it happen with the smartphone, the tablet computer and ...

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