Search Results for: youtube

This Flute Is Fab

With a fabbed flute, we see emergence at its natal stage; the imperfect copy of the old instrument is a promising harbinger of the novel sounds to come.

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No Empty Gestures: Touchless Interface to Demo at CES

The Norwegian firm Elliptic Labs’ booth at CES next week will feature several implementations of a touchless, gesture-based interface for tablets and mobile devices, according to the company. Unlike the Kinect, Elliptic’s interface, called Ultrasonic Touchless Input, graphs hand movements using echolocation. Bathing the user in a silent ultrasonic torrent, it measures the return time of rebounding sonic impulses to ...

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James Burke, Prince of Serendip

James Burke is the Carl Sagan of Serendipity. Now his Connections series, which tells technology's history as a record of sagacious discovery, is available for free viewing. Video after the jump.

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The Wall

The graffiti artist MadC's massive, tour-de-force narrative painting recounts a trip through her own inventive, techno-dystopian mind.

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Killing Spree

Freddie Wong's deft short captures the hands-high stance, the angular gait, and the ragdoll morbidity of the first-person shooter genre. Video after the jump.

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