Search Results for: concept

The Faint Rustle of Power

Harnessing the piezoelectric effect, researchers at Cornell propose a wind-power generator that has more in common with rustling leaves than airplane rotors. Videos after the jump.

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Cyborgs R Us?

In an age of ever-more fantastic gadgets, it's becoming received wisdom that we're all cyborgs now. But as implant hacker Lepht Anonym reminds us, the original vision of the term was dangerous and feral. Videos after the jump.

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Wikileaks and the End of Stolen Kisses

Slavoj �i�ek says that Wikileaks is hated not because of the secrets it has revealed, but because it exposed the cynicism of a system that has long stopped believing in the values it imagines itself to uphold. It's a problem not only for diplomacy and governance, but for the eroding distinction between public and private life.

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Reality is Broken, Beautifully

Reviewing Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal's manifesto of gaming for a better world, Ian Bogost realizes that he likes the messy, repellent, stunning reality we've got.

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