Search Results for: japan

Segatoys Dream Cat Smile looks purr-fect

Ok, first off, if you ever see a headline this adorable on the site again, please take us out of our misery. Secondly, Segatoys presents its Dream Cat Smile, the most realistic robo-kitty we’ve ever seen. Dream Cat does pretty much everything a real cat does except shit on your stuff, eat food, or drop allergic reaction-causing dander throughout your ...

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Mpion provides Asian woman with facials

This article is bound to attract the wrong crowd, but it had to be done. The mpion Mp3 player, as you might of already guessed, is not just a normal media player. The mpion delivers a totally tiny 128 MB of drive space, which is about 32 tracks. Luckily, storage size isn’t their strongest selling point. What makes the mpion ...

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Sharp’s announces worlds first dual-mode tuner module for T-DMB and DVB-H

Sharp’s first dual-mode transmitter, the VA3B5EZ915, is capable of tuning in on both T-DMB and DVB-H terrestrial digital broadcasts. Sharp claims this device to be the first of its kind. With the launch of One-Seg in Japan, other similar services have started popping up in other areas in the Eastern Hemisphere, including DVB-H for some areas of Europe, and T-DMB ...

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Testing out ringtones that calm crying babies

The Japan Acoustic Laboratory is famous for their soft science research, those guys have recently started selling ringtones online that they claimed can calm crying babies. Nikkei has decided to spend a few bucks and try that out on 2 babies. First they downloaded the tone on to their mobile, then they sent it to the alarm clock by muPass. ...

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Soroban DS: Abacus for DS

The Japanese love their abacuses. Japanese children are taught from a very young age how to be abacus pros. Soroban DS (soroban=abacus in Jap lingo), is the first ever full length game focused around the love of the abacus. Soroban DS will allow gamers to practice their mad abacus skillz while chilling around with their DS. The only catch? Users ...

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Fujitsu’s interactive UBWall in the wild, cramming products down your throat

The UBWall is a Fujitsu-made concept which has burrowed its way out from under the R&D walls into Japan’s busy consumer district. UBWall is an interactive touch display with integrated Wi-Fi and RFID capabilities which first appeared about two years ago, but is only recently being used in the wild. Financial-services company Nomura Securities is installing an still undecided amount ...

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Fight with your phones. Nobody gets hurt.

[ev type=”youtube” data=”mfPoCOo06KI”][/ev] Some Japanese dude has decided to play sword with phones, and he’s using the Mitsubishi D903iTV DMB one-button push slider to attack the Panasonic P902i, which also has a one-button push spring mechanism for the folder (Neither of them is cheap). In the GSM world, we can only throw Nokia N95 at people. —Sam Chan

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Hotto Raisu, or how I learned to love the warm rice with cold water

Meaning literally “hot rice”, Hotto Raisu is a Japanese creation which is rice which can be cooked using cold water. We imagine it works through some kind of chemical reaction. Despite a high price tag, there is hope that one day the Hotto Raisu solution could be used during times of natural disaster and power outages, allowing for a hot ...

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Protect your mouse with a fried rice omlette

We have no idea why we need anything to protect our computer mouses, we’ll just wipe them on our shirts or blow off the dust. However this is simply not enough for the obsessive, so a Japanese company has started selling mouse protectors- and they’re made out of food models. Before you leave your desk for lunch, you can wrap ...

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I don’t even like walking my dog in real life…

Fresh out of Japan, we present the Virtual Dog-Walking Arcade game. Why does this not surprise us? Crazy Japanese and their games of manual labor. I guess this is cool if you don’t have a dog and want to remember why you don’t in the first place. The game is actually supposed to be pretty challenging. Don’t step in any ...

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