Search Results for: apple

Chargerito: The World’s Smallest Phone Charger EVER

“Our competitors are giants.” This is how developers Alex Andon, Nick Velander and Drew Hauck are describing their Chargerito; the smallest wall charger money can buy. The trio of developers set out to crowd fund their new device, and have exceeded their $50,000 goal by quite a bit. $76,716. That’s right. Nearly 80 FRICKEN THOUSAND dollars. So this device isn’t just ...

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The Surreal Side of the iPhone 6 Plus ‘Bendgate’

While reports are floating in that the iPhone 6 Plus so-called ‘Bendgate’ isn’t the catastrophe that the media was originally assuming it to be, I ponder a simple question. What if…. this were all intentional? Bare with me for a second, dammit! Wouldn’t you take the chance to completely screw up the launch of the fastest selling phone in history for the ...

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How Technology Has Transformed the Traditional Game of Bingo

Bingo’s a game that’s as old as the hills. Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but if you think of a traditional game, bingo is always on the list. It’s a game that many of us have grown up knowing about, even if we’ve never actually played it and don’t really know the rules of how to play. ...

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iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus: What’s New?

iphone 6

On September 9th, Apple unveiled the newest variations of its colossally popular iPhone – the new iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Complete with larger screens, better picture quality, rounded edges and sleek designs, these new Phones are slated to launch in the market on September 19th in Gold, Silver and Space Gray, with the 4.7 inch iPhone 6 ...

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The Top 3 Most Wanted of Features of iPhone 6

iphone 6

With the rumored release of Apple’s iPhone 6 just around the corner, the Apple fanboys just can’t  get enough of their iPhones. People have been waiting in line for over a week at Apple’s flagship store at 5th Avenue in New York City just so they could get their hands on the new iPhone at the earliest. The new iPhone 6 is ...

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The Modern Mobile Home

smart home

A few years ago the concept of using mobile technology to complete everyday tasks in the home would have been considered incredible, but the technology is evolving all the time, and there are now many things a person can do with the help of their smartphone. People are looking for ways to make life easier all the time, and luckily there are companies out there that are racing to create the next big innovation for technology-loving homeowners.

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The Rise of DRM Media Converters


Digital rights management (DRM) consists of a set of technologies used by different types of copyright holders such as developers, publishers, hardware manufacturers etc. in order to control and restrict the use of devices and digital products after their sale. When referring to digital content, DRM is also called “copy protection”, as it is often used for preventing users from ...

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Just How Lucrative is the App Market?

mobile apps

Pointers for fledgling developers Virtually everything can be accomplished online nowadays, especially through the utilization of the most up-to-date and informative apps on the market. However, the app market isn’t as straightforward as you may think. Like any business venture there are many things that you must weigh up before jumping head first into a thriving and ultra-competitive marketplace. Below ...

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iPhone6: Facts, Rumors & More


The Iphone6 is all set to be unveiled within the next few months. One of the most eagerly awaited smartphones of this year, the Apple Iphone6 launch date is still shrouded in secrecy, which has always been the way they do stuff at the Cupertino based Tech giant. Possible Iphone6 feature predictions are: A Fall release – September 2014: Popular ...

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