Search Results for: apple

About The Context Chat App


When it comes to new apps for chatting there seems to be a new one out every few months, but according to today's youth Context is the next big one to check out.

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Create 3D Shared Photos With Seene For The iPhone


The Seene app for the iPhone allows users to create easy 3D photos that they can share bringing a whole new element to sharing photos. The Seene app creates parallax-based 3D photos with the help of the phone's accelerometer, guiding users through the process as they photograph multiple angles of a given subject.

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Microsoft Extends Their Trade-In Program For Your iPhone


Yes, you read that right, MICROSOFT is extending their trade-in program and is offering cash for your gently used iPhone 4S and 5. Microsoft is looking to take your gently used iPhone 4s and 5 off your hands in their expanded trade in program. The Microsoft program is offering a minimum of $200 for these units but there is a catch - the funds you receive will come in the form of a Microsoft store credit rather than cash.

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Bookworms Everywhere Weep For The Current Generation

Child Activities

According to a recent Nielson Books study, electronics are beating out books in terms of what keeps our current generation busy, and this makes us sad. According to the Nielson Books study, children ages 0 - 17 years (we're not so sure about the 0) have an 8% increase in the amount of time they dedicate to electronic activities as opposed to reading.

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Gold iPad Mini Image Leaked

Gold iPad Mini

Admit it, you knew it was coming, and now one Chinese tech website ( has revealed images of a possible gold iPad Mini. It should come as no surprise that Apple is anxious to pump out more gold colored gadgets with the incredible success of the gold iPhone 5C.

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Jumpcam Enables Collaborative Video Production!


JumpCam is a new mobile app that allows for group collaboration to create a single video from multiple clips from multiple users. JumpCam launched today on iOS allows for as many as thirty friends to contribute ten second clips to a single video without having up upload those videos to a sharing service so the user can download them and stitch them together using a video editing software.

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Samsung Announces The Gold GS4

Samsung GS4

With the inability of Apple to keep up with demand for the gold iPhone 5C, it's no wonder at all that other companies are jumping on the bandwagon. Samsung has announced a gold version of the GS4. To be fair, the two units are gold themed in that they are being called "gold brown" and "gold pink".

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