Search Results for: ipod

Control an iPod With Arduino

The iPod is hands down the most popular music player on the market nowadays. To really get the most out of it, you’ll need to whip out your Arduino microcontroller and the soldering iron. Using a new library written to allow control of an iPod through a the 13-pin connector, you’ll be able to write programs that can get the ...

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Quick Review: SmartRSS 2 For The iPhone/iPod Touch

I was asked by the developers of SmartRSS 2 to play around with it before its release on the iTunes App Store. The software, released by Visuamobile, is one of the best RSS readers I’ve used period, let alone for an iPhone. It’s very quick and although it lags up at times, this is expected when you’re grabbing hundreds of ...

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Miccus BluBridge for iPod

OK, so take two parts awesome, one part iPod, add in a little bit of Bluetooth wireless connectivity and shake hard, very hard. The end result? The Miccus BluBridge for iPod. Just plug a small connector into your iPod and boom; you’re a streaming master, broadcasting tunes to any BluBridge audio setup. Did I mention the 330 foot range? That ...

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Notepad iPod Cases For The Closet Sleuth

Half iPod case, half notepad and all business sums up this $27 dollar iPod Nano 3G peripheral from Scripta. Whenever I’m in a Vic Mackey kind of mood, I know this case will come in handy. It helps me keep tabs on my informants and trust me, I have a lot of them*. Whether it’s keeping track of incriminating evidence ...

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Metal Gear Solid Touch For The iPod Touch

The iPod Touch has officially joined the league of the Nokia N-Gage as a handheld gaming console with Konami‘s Hideo Kojima announcement of the next Metal Gear game on Apple’s popular media device. The details and commentary after the jump.

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Turn Your iPhone/iPod Touch Into A MIDI Controller

The best things in life are free, no question about it. But even if it wasn’t free, I’d most likely buy iTouchMidi, a program for both OS X and Windows that will receive MIDI signals from your iPhone or iPod Touch via WiFi. Pretty insane right? Check out what this guy did with two iPod Touches and iTouchMidi software. He ...

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Buying An iPod Touch Can Be Hazardous To Your Wallet

Not going to lie here. I picked up a 16GB iPod Touch from Apple on Black Friday for a pretty cheap $279 after taxes. I’m hooked. Addicted. I can’t put the damn thing down. It seems I also managed to go on an app buying spree. Hit the jump to see all the shit I bought/downloaded off iTMS in a ...

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iPod Cigarette Case

This is a mod that hits close to home due to the fact that my iPod’s headphone jack died this week. Perhaps I should just gut it and turn it into a little case like this one. It holds plenty of cigarettes for your smoking pleasure. Pretend you’re a modern day Steve McQueen and light up a fag for good ...

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Custom Louis Vuitton iPod Trunk

Fashion is an expensive business I tend to avoid. For me, some denim jeans and a t-shirt from Macy’s will suffice. For others, fashion designers like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel provide outrageously priced and strangely designed fashion wear. A price some people are willing to pay just to get attention. Louis Vuitton also makes custom one-of-a-kind cases for special ...

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A Camera Tripod That’ll Blow Your Mind

OK, so I’ve had a nice DSLR for a few years, as well as some point-and-shoot cameras. The problem is, I hardly ever bring them out for shoots since you need to bring a tripod and tripods suck. They’re cumbersome; a real pain in the ass to carry. Luckily, there’s a product for ten bucks that isn’t a concept and ...

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