Search Results for: apple

Hackers of the world, unite

�Repair is green�repair is joyful�repair injects soul and makes things unique.� Those are some of the claims of Ifixit�s "Self-Repair Manifesto," which is not a self-help tract but a hacker�s call to arms.

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Letterpress chic

We're fascinated by all kinds of technology. Apple's remix of letterpress and desktop publishing may be more mainstream than steampunk, but it reminds us what a tremendous technology the press in all its manifestations can be. Follow the jump for a short film profiling Manhattan printer Robert Warner, master of printing technology from the turn of the last century.

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Homemade iPhone 4 Costume Brings Retina Display to the Big Screen

Last year, John Savio, Apple fanboy and avid Halloween fan, created an iPhone 3GS costume that impressed the geek community. It was both a thing of beauty and yet somehow aesthetically ‘off.’ He incorporated a display that made the costume look like a functioning device, but the form factor was all wrong. The corners were too squared… the width too ...

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Let’s Spend Mark Zuckerberg’s Money

A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? 6.9 billion dollars. That’s cool. And that’s how much Mark Zuckerberg is worth if you listen to financial projections. If you had Zuck’s mad FaceMash cash, what would you spend? This helpful little infographic makes some suggestions to Zuckerberg on how he should spend his money. Let’s put it this way. ...

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IMEC meets Howest: The First Solar Powered Laptop

We’ve seen solar-powered laptop cases and even a crazy Apple patent that suggested sun powered back lighting, but this is a concept that could change computing as we know it. The “IMEC meets Howest” is claimed to be the first laptop which relies completely on the power of the sun. Energized by two solar panels, no electricity source is needed ...

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World’s Smallest Full HD Display Leaves Retina Display in the Dust

When Steve Jobs unveiled the retina display of the iPhone 4, I thought that once again, Apple was years ahead of the competition in terms of development, but Ortustech, in a joint venture with Casio and Toppan, have one upped Apple at their own game with the world’s tiniest full HD display, making the retina display look downright pixelated. The ...

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AutoCAD Makes a Triumphant Return to Mac

18 years ago, a little application by the name of AutoCAD, also known as Photoshop for engineers, vanished from the Mac platform into the oblivion of Windows PC exclusivity. After almost two decades of avoidance, AutoCAD has finally made its way back onto the Mac OS. The transition to Mac appears to have been a smooth one. The GUIs are ...

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