Search Results for: apple

Add an iPhone Dock to Your iPad For Real Multitasking

Don’t be fooled. You might think you’re multitasking, but you’re not. At least not effectively. Sure, Apple finally added a “here it is, now please shut up”-version of multitasking to iOS, but what you’re really doing is pausing. You want a true multitasking experience? You’re going to have to take matters into your own hands. This simple DIY will have ...

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MacBox Pro: Hackintosh Built Inside of a Cardboard Box

When company One Block Off the Grid needed a way to spice up their Mac performance, they decided to order their own hardware. In such a rush to get the computer up and running and lacking the needed casing, employee Kalvin decided to build the computer right inside of the box the parts were shipped in. Besides the power switch, ...

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iPhone Cameras Go Head to Head

Fosfor has put together a great comparison test between the cameras of the iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4 with HDR. The results are much what you’d expect, but the degree of differences between the cameras is even more drastic than I thought. All in all the iPhone 4 camera with HDR performs cartwheels around the in-brand competition. ...

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Suckling Pig Cake is Pork-Free

Michelle�s Wibowo’s painstakingly detailed Suckling Pig cake was made for the Experimental Food Society Spectacular in London. Complete with vegetable garnish, an apple it its mouth and a intricate rotisserie browned skin. Wibowo’s roots are in architecture, but decided to pursue a career in cake design and sugar craft because, well, as you can see, that’s where her true genius ...

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MiBeerAge iPhone App Tells You Exactly How Old Your Beer Is

You might not have known this but to the beer connoisseur, the finest brews are best served within 30 days of their bottling. So those three year old bottles of Heineken collecting dust in your fridge garage? Yeah, slightly past their prime. But hey, at least the caps are still usable. The MiBeerAge iOS application tells you exactly how old ...

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The Original Prototypes of Iconic Gadgets

Every piece of gadgetry we own or have owned in the past started somewhere. There is always an alpha. Even such iconic pieces of gadgetry as the Super Soaker (pictured above) had messy and rough beginnings. Let’s take a step back in time to truly embrace our favorite gadget’s state of antithesis. The products before there was a product. Hit ...

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11 Completely Insincere Steps to Safeguarding Your Home Against Burglars

Some of these might actually work if you were ridiculous enough to pull it off, or if your would-be thieves were really, really stupid. For one, everyone knows a simple Dell sticker wouldn’t cover the MacBook’s Appleness because there is no way to cover up its halo or the omnipresent glow that surrounds your levitating body when you use one. ...

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Run Newton OS on the iPhone

If you look back at Apple’s Newton PDA device, it’s pretty clear that it was a major inspiration for iOS. You could say that Newton was the iPhone’s grandfather. Now, through the Open Einstein project, iPhone users can run an emulation of the Newton OS right on their modern devices. Downloading the code from the Open Einstein project’s site allows ...

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