Search Results for: concept

Afternoon Linkage for November 19th, 2008

All you need to know is that there’s a new Johnnie Walker on the block and it goes great with links. An awesome miniature camera The Hermes ForTwo A new thermometer concept Walmart will be selling a $128 Blu-ray player come Black Friday Um, Guitar Hero and bikes? MSI brings netbook power to the desktop Solid Sneaker Shoelaces NYC has ...

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A Camera Tripod That’ll Blow Your Mind

OK, so I’ve had a nice DSLR for a few years, as well as some point-and-shoot cameras. The problem is, I hardly ever bring them out for shoots since you need to bring a tripod and tripods suck. They’re cumbersome; a real pain in the ass to carry. Luckily, there’s a product for ten bucks that isn’t a concept and ...

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Following Target, Best Buy Gets New Gift Cards

Target must be pissed. The company approaches the holidays with new gift cards that have a built-in 1.2-megapixel digital camera and what does its competitor, Best Buy, do? Best Buy tries a different route with gift cards that have speakers built in to them. While not nearly as cool as Target’s concept, Best Buy has gotten this far by offering ...

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McDonalds Gets A New Look In Japan

Before you argue that McDonalds is not tech-related, check at your waistline. Now that that’s settled, let’s talk burger. McDonalds is trying a radical new concept of selling in Japan. See, it just brought the Quarter Pounder over and in an effort to promote it better and more efficiently, two McDonalds stores were rebranded into Quarter Pounder only stores. You’ll ...

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Dead Simple: Hiranao Tsuboi LED Watch

Looking for a no-nonsense wristwatch that tells time and sets you apart from the Tag Pack? Look no further than this watch from Japanese designer Hiranao Tsuboi. It tells time with orange LEDs in four quadrants and nothing more. Too bad I waited until the end of this post to inform you that it’s a non-production concept. I know. It ...

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If You Want To Hang With Me, I’ll Give It One Shot (Tap That)

Phil Collins. We’d do anything in this world to play drums like the Genesis drummer. Maybe this concept system from Petr Hampl is a good place to start. You put on the glove, tape the beat with the included headphones on and record your rhythms. You can go back and edit your tunes, bringing you one step closer to the ...

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Yet Another Impediment With The Pacemaker

Pacemakers are turning out to be more problematic than their original conception intended. The electronic device that runs the arterial show can not only be controlled wirelessly, but can also be deactivated by nearby MP3 headphones. Research teams are suggesting that patients wearing a pacemaker should stay more than three centimeters away from such devices as the interference from the ...

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Food Chain Friends Are Morbidly Cute

What if I told you, the overworked mother, I could teach your child about science and let them enjoy some quality playtime simultaneously? I’m sure you’d burst into tears and start thanking me but I can’t take credit for this. The Food Chain Friends are a cute series of stuffed animals that eat each other and do it quite well. ...

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Mintpad: The Digital Post-It

The Mintpass Mintpad is a neat concept, had Nintendo not thought of its conception four years ago with the Nintendo DS. What seems like a glorified stand-alone version of the Nintendo DS’s Pictochat is also a portable media player, camera and web browser. With this lil’ tablet, you can send full color notes to any other Mintpad users with its ...

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Batman’s Latest Spy Technology

Is this a spy cam created by the military or is it Batman’s latest gadget? Of course it’s a piece of technology made by the military; Batman is a fictitious comic book character. The Army has awarded the University of Michigan College of Engineering a five year $10 million dollar grant to develop this robotic spy plane which bears an ...

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