Search Results for: concept

GPS Chastity Belt Or Kinky Hide And Seek?

Ooh, nice hips. Fancy keeping track of your girl because you’re an obsessive douche? Then Brazilian designer Lucia Lorio’s “Find Me If You Can” lingerie line isn’t quite for you. Consisting of a lace bodice, bikini bottom and faux pearl collar, it’d almost be ordinary lingerie attire if it wasn’t for the GPS device visibly tucked away in the bodice. ...

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Wave Farm Swims For Power In Portugal

The world’s first ever wave farm went live at the end of September in Agucadoura, off the coast of northern Portugal. Three wave energy converters resembling Soviet submarines generate electricity with hydraulic rams driven by waves. The farm was designed by Pelamis Wave Power, which hopes to increase the farms productivity by adding an additional 25 wave energy converters that ...

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The Old Republic Without The Knights

Star Wars MMO, round two! LucasArts managed to completely destroy any redeeming concept that a MMORPG held in the Star Wars universe, with help from Sony Online Entertainment. Forget Star Wars Galaxies because a new Star Wars MMO has been announced and it’s going to take place in the time frame of Star Wars: The Knights Of The Old Republic. ...

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Wind Turbines Inspired By Ancient Methods

We’re digging this eco-friendly goodness from the folks at Windation Energy Systems. If you couldn’t guess by the name, they deal with organic means of producing wind energy. The developer of Windation’s latest wind turbine, Mark Sheikhrezai, was inspired by wind catchers used by the Persians to keep their interiors cool. The concept is simple: wind blows into the top, ...

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Custom Keyboard Organizer’s Got A Secret Stash

Remember the Keyboard Organizer? Perfect for the one guy at the office whose always got a cluttered desk. It’s a standard keyboard that comes in black or white that not only is a fully-functional keyboard, but also provides storage space underneath the keys. It’s like a utility box inside your keyboard. Well, the storage space isn’t the only reason the ...

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Temperature Sweater

Call it a radical departure from the usual material on our site but I like the concept of the Temperature Sweater. With an embedded LCD on the sleeve, you’ll know when it’s getting cold enough to wear a sweater. One sleeve displays the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit whilst the other displays Celsius like a true working thermometer. Concept? Sure, but ...

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Lemon and Lime Slice Cubes

I love the concept of these Ice and Slices trays. Slice up a lemon or a lime, put it in the tray, add water and freeze. Presto. Next time you have a vodka cocktail or something equally fruity on the rocks, you can just drop in a few slice cubes of lemon or lime. Genius! Only a mere six bucks. ...

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A Coffee Mug That Tastes Of Scenery

I bet you’re wondering what happened to the lens that was replaced with a Pringles can for that DIY project posted the other day. Turns out, that lens turned up on the Internet as a coffee mug. Express your love of photography and caffeine simultaneously as you pour your daily Colombian coffee into this camera lens. Unfortunately, it’s just a ...

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Scan Toaster Puts Boobs On Your Toast

A company named Electrolux has come up with a concept scanner that is supposed to hook up to your toaster via USB. You pop in a design, scan it and then “print out” toast with your design on it, without the need for a breadboard. Before you totally dismiss the idea, realize that you would have the ability to print ...

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Let Me Crack Your Beer With 16 Gigs Of Porn

After having seen a USB drive that comes packed with Ernie Hudson on it, it seemed like no other flash drive could ever come close to tickling my fancy. That is, until I saw this bad boy. While the USB drive bottle opener is far from a new concept, who says digital storage and beer don’t mix? This nifty flash ...

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