Search Results for: apple

Say Hello To Mah Little Macbook!

First you get the money. Then you get the power. THEN you get the Apple products. Al Pacino might or might not have said those exact lines in the film Scarface. Maybe I used an oh-so slight piece of creative�license. This Scarface Macbook decal turns your laptop into an even cooler, but slightly more suspicious, piece of hardware. No scales ...

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What Would Steve Jobs Do? Wristbands

Watch out, Jesus! There’s a new savior in the house. His name? El Jobso. Sometimes known as Steve Jobs. And you, as a faithful Apple devotee, are a disciple of the cult of Mac. When you find yourself in a pickle, and just see no other means of escape, simply ask yourself, what would Steve Jobs do? And the answer ...

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iPhone TV Dinner Case Makes You Want To Eat Your Device Even More

If you already get a hankering for an iPhone from time to time (expensive meal, I know, but you might be able to find them cheaper on eBay as long as you don’t mind them a�little�busted up) then this iPhone case is�definitely�not the deterrent you need. This iPhone case makes your Apple device look like a deliciously prepared TV dinner, ...

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iMaxi iPad Case: Now With Wings!

We sort of took all of the iPad�menstruation-centric�references�and ran with it. How could we not? iPad feminine product references�were running rampant. So what could we do? So it’s only natural that we continue the trend with the iMaxi Case, an iPad case which demonstrates the device’s expert skill at absorbing your feminine fluids. Etsy designer Hiphandmaids designed the iMaxi feminine ...

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Mathematician Cracks the Code of Hollywood Blockbusters

Cornell University’s James Cutting has a theory about Hollywood blockbusters. To be a really engaging potential classic, a movie needs to follow the 1/f�fluctuation, a mathematical theory that attempts to solve the mystery of attention spans. In his research, Cutting measured the shot length of the 150 highest-grossing movies between 1935 and 2005. He then graphed the varying shot lengths ...

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Felt-Crafted iPad: More Cushion for the Pushin’

Tired of the extended wait for an actual iPad, Jason Guest decided to take matters into his own hands and produce his own hackneyed version of the iPad… completely composed of felt. Arts and crafts are back in a huge way among the geek community and this addition to the crafters�arsenal�is a welcomed advancement in felt technology. In fact, it ...

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iGotaBigAssPocket: Pants for the iPad

I’m cool with my iPad Nano. Oh, you’ve never heard of it? Maybe you know it by its more common name: the iPhone. Zing. Let’s not fool ourselves. Despite the fact that the iPad might be nothing more than a bonafied iPhone on steroids, you’ve just gotta have one. The problem is transportation. The iGotaBigAssPocket line of pants will make ...

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Steve Jobs Unveils the iPad (in Diorama Form)

That’s all we need is to rehash the underwhelming experience of the iPad unveiling, but alas, this diorama does exactly that, illustrating El Jobso displaying the iPad over his head like it was some sort of baby lion royalty. Sure it’s cure and all, dude, but if anything the iPhone unveiling would be the announcement worthy of a diorama. But ...

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How to Turn Your PC into a Mac

There’s nothing a little tape won’t fix. Ever wondered how to fit in with the rest of your college buddies? Grab an apple and a big ole’ roll of tape and get to it. No one will be able to tell the difference, I promise. They still haven’t figured out your scale in an iPhone costume isn’t actually an iPhone, ...

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iPad Wall Concept Would Make The Library Cool Again

While one iPad might not offer the excitement and innovation that me and the fuhrer were hoping for, an entire wall of iPads could change the way we interface with the very walls that surround us. The iPad Wall concept incorporates multiple iPads into the very fabric of our library’s structure, creating a completely interactive experience you can actually touch. ...

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