Search Results for: concept

Amphibious PC Keeps You Afloat

Swimming pool gadgets are the best kind of gadgets. Unfortunately, not all of them can keep people who lack buoyancy afloat.� Fortunately, for the lethargic, the “PC of the Swim-Rings” has a flotation device around the computers base which is reminiscent of a LifeSaver candy. The amphibious PC is fitted with a solar power driven processor, water-cooling system, GPRS receiver, ...

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A Floating City You’ll Never See

You won’t ever live to see this floating ecopolis. This concept, designed by Vincent Callebaut, is straight out a science-fiction film with its ability to float. Dubbed “Lilypad,” this amphibious city can hold around 50,000 people and protect them from floods and bizarre plate tectonics. The city is designed to draw power from solar, wind and tidal means, which enables ...

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Digital Barbells Help Robots, Humans Get Buff

Usually free weights aren’t the first thing you’d think of when design is mentioned. However, this is not the case for designer Sang-Hoon Lee. This digital barbell concept, dubbed the Revolution Dumbbell, really could be useful if put into production. You set the display to the appropriate weight and inside, balls start to spin. When they spin fast enough, the ...

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BMW Gina Is Not Flame-Retardant

BMW’s new concept car �GINA Light Visionary Model� is remarkably innovative. It’s a shape-shifting car covered with seamless fabric stretched over a movable metal frame that allowing the driver to change the car’s form at will. The fabric is water resistant and durable. However, setting fire to it is a different story. There are no plans for the fabric-enveloped car ...

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Blood Sugar Monitor On Your Dashboard

If you’re one of the many who suffer from diabetes and your glucose levels are so sporadic that driving any distance could lead to unpredictable results, then this device is for you. Medtronic Diabetes unveiled its new car, a Lincoln equipped with a system that wirelessly associates your glucose monitor with a screen on the dashboard to make driving safer ...

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The ‘360’ With No Games, Just Style

Combining surfing, snowboarding and skateboarding, designer Francesco Sommacal has come up with the mother of extreme sports. Winner of the 2007 Volvo Sportdesign Concept Award, the “360” is the all-in-one sports activity. Not to be confused with the Xbox 360, the 360’s ‘board’ has the users feet rest on a platform/slot in the center of the wheel as opposed to ...

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Speak-er Says What You Won’t

Designer of the double-ended jar, Sherwood Forlee has come up with an artsy concept for a speaker. The “Speak-er” is a speech bubble speaker. Other than that, it really doesn’t have much going for it, aside from fitting in your comic-book themed room. Having two of these coming out of your monitor will make you feel like your monitor has ...

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Afternoon Linkage

Have you checked out 10 Alternatives to the Wii Fit? Here�s a delicious helping of good reads from around the �net. The Plan Station – Begging for a lawsuit from Sony Canondale has an iPod concept that could change the way you cycle PS3 games are getting realtime advertising Iraq Voice Response Translator test…in Brooklyn Short on cash? Build your ...

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Replacing Plants With Solar Plants

When you get to the point where you’ve fucked with the Earth so much that normal plants just won’t cut it, you need alternatives. That’s why the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Mitsubishi and Tokki Corp. have developed a prototype solar cell module that resembles a living plant. With organic thin-film solar cells, the module is ...

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Turn Turn Turn: Vertical-axis Wind Turbine

Whether you’re trying to score green tax credits or just help the earth out a bit, the $5000 Windspire is definitely the way to go. Designed by Mariah Power, the Windspire comes with all the equipment you need to start generating power from the wind. Due to the vertical-axis the Windspire uses, people in tighter/urban areas will find it fits ...

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