Search Results for: apple

The World’s Most Expensive iPhone

Anybody have around $3.8 million laying around? I’m a few bucks short. You know, tax and all. The iPhone 3GS Supreme is encased in 271 grams of 22ct solid gold. Featuring a front bezel brandishing 136 flawless diamonds, a total of 68 cts and the rear apple logo, set in solid gold, has 53 flawless diamonds totaling 1 carat total ...

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Twilight Meets the MacBook

The fact that it took this long from someone to come up with this is sickening. What is so wrong with the youth these days that they need years to come up with creative Apple mods? Come on, guys. Stop slacking and get wit’ da muddafuckin’ times. This Twilight MacBook decal substitutes the apple on the cover of Stephanie Meyer’s ...

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That’s A Naughty Little iPhone

And I thought I wanted to have sex with my iPhone before this existed. The iPhone Corset dresses your Apple device in a naughty piece of nighty-wear, revealing just enough to tease the hell out of us while maintaining its womanly figure. Link [via]

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Retail Store Dedicated to Only One Video Game

In preparation for the tremendous Christmas rush, EA Sports has taken it upon themselves to open a pair of stores, one in San Francisco, one in Boston, dedicated to only one game: EA Sports Active. Sure, the demand for Active is so exceedingly high that normal retail outlets are sure to be bombarded with a stampede of eager EA maniacs… ...

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The MacBook for Pirates

Soon to be quarantined after the nasty scabies epidemic, this MacBook for Pirates features a special Apple and crossbones logo design courtesy of Etsy user LastFuse (name thief that they be), selling their decal for only $2.50. If the parrot, hat and eye patch didn’t tip them off, this decal sure will. Link [via]

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Steve Jobs Has Put on A Little Weight

El Jobso was spotted outside of� 1 Infinite Loop recently and it looks like he’s gained some of those pre-surgery curves back. Am I the only one who feels the strong compulsion to furiously roll large balls at the Apple CEO? I’m glad to see he’s got his appetite back though. His waif-ish figure was starting to scare me there ...

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Find Your Car Using Augmented Reality on the iPhone

So you’ve lost your car… again. How many times have you forgotten where you parked? It happens to the best of us, but everyday? Come on, you should probably go visit a neurologist or something. If he has trouble squeezing you in, here’s a nice back-up plan. The $.99 iPhone app Car Finder uses augmented reality to help you find ...

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iPhone Extortion Plot Takes Advantage of Jailbreaking

So you think you’re real smooth jailbreaking your iPhone, huh? Really pulled the wool over the eyes of Apple, you did. Dutch jailbreakers beware. A hacker from the Netherlands was recently able to conive a series of Dutch iPhone users into using his software to “jailbreak” their device. When the supposed jailbreak is complete and the phone is rebooted, users ...

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