Search Results for: cooking

The Wii Bowling Ball Acessory

Is this really necessary? Come on now. At this point the list of available Nintendo Wii accessories is getting out of control. What’s next? An egg whisk add-on that I can use to play those ridiculous cooking games? No thanks. Link

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Lime Green Nintendo DS Kicks Off The Summer

Warm temperatures, cool drinks and plenty of beach babes. Doesn’t matter. You’ll be that guy stuck in the beachhouse too busy to go outside ’cause he just got the new lime green Nintendo DS bundle and plopped down money for Chinatown Wars. Lucky. Link

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Green LEGOs and Ham

Look, I know the title of this post features a pun shittier than that of an Ayn Rand novel but isn’t this neat? Someone took the time to make a couple of eggs and a delicious-looking green ham from everyone’s favorite building block. Now if only they could make a full blown creation of The Lorax, one of my favorite ...

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Baked Goods For The Horde!

Even orcs and trolls love the occasional cupcake. Get them together for their best undead friend’s birthday and just try to keep them away from the tasty goodies. Delicately crafted from a fully-leveled cooking skill, these Horde Cupcakes are perfectly suited for WoW get-togethers or even as a goody for gaming conventions. Cooking is totally customizable, so you can add ...

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Afternoon Linkage for April 3rd, 2009

Rain rain, go away. Please, dear gosh, come back another day. Britain just doesn’t care for Google it seems The Nintendo DSi will get the Opera browser (porn!) McLaren is still working on cars Camplite is the quickest way to a cooked sausage BGR has a video walkthrough of the Palm Pre Classic arcade sounds from your past Learn to ...

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Homeless Chateau

If you’re broke and squatting in an abandoned warehouse, you might as well make the best of it. Such is the mindset behind James Westwater’s “sustainable organic greenery domicile” better known as the Homeless Chateau. It has a small cooking and toilet area (gross), storage and a place to sleep – the essentials of any home. The caveat is that ...

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Paper Turkey For Vegan’s Giving Thanks

Even if you’re a vegan and you keep clear of any consumables that at one time were living, breathing creatures, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the great American holiday that is Thanksgiving. Does the sight of a stuffed and beheaded turkey on your table disturb you? Then decorate your Thanksgiving dinner table with a papercraft turkey. It’s fun because, ...

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Straight Up Chess Boards

Straight Up Chess makes gaming and chess boards. Nothing new there, aside from the fact that these games are designed to be played on a vertical surface. Mount the board to your wall and casually play a game with your roommate. You have to take a piss, you make a move. Cooking dinner, make a move. Grabbing a condom from ...

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Wilting Flower Monitors Energy Consumption

Here’s a device that’s shaped like a flower that you connect to your house via a wireless transmitter. It monitors the electricity consumed in your house in real time. Using too much energy will result in this flower’s demise, wilting at the first signs of wasted energy. Designed by Carl Smith, the Wilting Flower will reward those who remain conscious ...

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LED Menorah Saves You Some Wax

December is almost upon us, which means you can expect to see a whole bunch of Christmas and Hanukkah decorations like this 5.5� tall, 9� wide LED menorah. Who says you’ve got to be Jewish to enjoy the festival of lights? The LEDs are controlled via a potentiometer, so you’ll have to make sure you light the candles in the ...

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