Search Results for: flickr

8-bit prime cuts

Artist Jude Buffum has created a series of portraits of beloved Nintendo characters (like Gesso, above) in the form of butcher�s diagrams�bringing together his love of gaming and meat.

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Batteries Will One Day Be Smaller Than a Grain of Sand

When you think about batteries, two things come to mind; sitting out in the cold, waiting for your car batteries to be jumped, and the clunky lithium-ion batteries we’ve come to know and love as the life force of our gadgets. Research funded by DARPA is pushing the limits of battery technology in an effort to create the smallest batteries ...

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Does a Cat Really Always Land on Its Feet?

When you walk around your house with your cat in your arms and she decides to have one of her random freak-outs, inevitably jumping out of your arms, your heart skips a few beats. What if she lands wrong? What if she injures her leg? What if she shatters her hip? What if she splinters her organs with bone fragments? ...

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Sad Keanu in LEGO Form

Have you ever felt so depressed that you felt inanimate? Sad Keanu does. He’s so deep in the dumps that he can barely move. Wait, he can’t move at all! This Sad Keanu was crafted out of LEGO bricks. Presented on the floor of BrickCon 2010. If the Sad Keanu papercraft monitor guardian wasn’t enough to keep you as depressed ...

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Female Daleks Exist, They’re Just Embarassed To Go Outdoors

…and I don’t blame them. If I was designed to look like a robotic, extermination Hello Kitty, I wouldn’t want to show my face (wait, do Daleks have faces) outdoors either. Designer Joseph Senior created this Hello Kitty Dalek rendering using an artistic eye, good design software and plenty of rainbows and sugar plum fairies. Luckily for them, female Daleks ...

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LEGO Wedding Ring

Marriage. All in all it’s just another LEGO brick in the wall. Not as painful or permanent as tattoos, but just as painful to remove from your life, marriage is the ultimate commitment, when taken seriously. The LEGO Wedding Ring is the most effective way to prove your devotion. In other words, how devoted do you have to be to ...

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LEGO Pac-Man Walker

How do you take down a ghost with a chip on its shoulder? Yeah, we’re looking at you Blinky. It’s simple enough. When Pac-Man himself just isn’t cutting it, it’s time to whip out some heavy artillery. The LEGO Pac-Man Walker illustrates my point to perfection. Strap Pac-Man onto a pair of exoskeleton legs, complete with blasters and I’m pretty ...

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If Tetris Had a Final Boss…

It’s like trying to fit an alien sized peg in a round hole. Alad Lewis created this Tetris/Space Invaders mash-up with every intention of scaring the living shit out of traditional Tetris players. You think your tough because you can fit a few blocks into conveniently-sized spaces? Try this on for size. Keep in mind that to reach the final ...

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11 Completely Insincere Steps to Safeguarding Your Home Against Burglars

Some of these might actually work if you were ridiculous enough to pull it off, or if your would-be thieves were really, really stupid. For one, everyone knows a simple Dell sticker wouldn’t cover the MacBook’s Appleness because there is no way to cover up its halo or the omnipresent glow that surrounds your levitating body when you use one. ...

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Bumper Stickers for Proud Parents of Gamers

I think my parents were always jealous of the other parents who got to show off their perfect little kid by putting one of those “I’m the parent of an honor student” bumper stickers on their cars. Sorry I disappointed you guys. But there’s still hope! Artist Das Chupa created these bumper stickers specifically for parents with gamers as children. ...

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