Search Results for: apple

Custom Transformers-themed Asus G60

I don’t care how much of an Apple fanboy you are. Mac or not, this notebook is the shiz. This Asus Transformers G60 gaming notebook was given away as a promotion between Asus and Paramount, in a contest awarding one lucky fan for pre-registering to view Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with Odeon cinemas.

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Mac Classic iPhone Case: Go Change Your Underwear, We’ll Wait

Apple fetishists are going to wet their pants over this awesome Mac Classic iPhone case. In celebration of this iPhone pouch, I’ve composed a little meme-ification for you: “Yo dawg. I heard you like Macs, so we put an iPhone in your Mac, so you can use an Apple gadget while you use an Apple gadget.” Fuck off, I liked ...

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Credit Card Rainbow Collage: Debt is Beautiful

Credit cards don’t mean much these days. For awhile they were so easy to get and use, despite your financial situation, that they have become a second currency, albeit a worthless one. Made using thousands of credit cards, freecards, discount carts and gift cards, the Credit Card Rainbow displays the varied colors of debt, in all of its majesty. Commissioned ...

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Wikipedia Mobile: Wikipedia Launches Mobile Optimized Site

It might have taken them nearly a decade to do so, but the most popular knowledge hub on the net, Wikipedia, has finally launched their official mobile optimized site. The newly launched mobile adaptation is supposed to be optimized for all “fully-featured” smartphones, including the Palm Pre, iPhone, Kindle and Android platforms. So far both English and German are supported, ...

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How To Remove Brown Discoloration From Your iPhone

Apple has had a tough last few weeks, all things considered. Flocks of irritated customers have been complaining about a brown discoloration of the white iPhone 3G S casing, originally thought to be the consequence of overheating. As it turns out, new reports suggest that the discoloration is actually a reaction due to contact with third-party iPhone cases. More importantly ...

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Record Table Made of Recycled Classic Rock Vinyl Records

There have been countless methods of recycling your old, abandoned, bong water-stained vinyl, but none that have integrated the actual casing and cover art as well. If you have such epic records as Led Zeppelin‘s IV, there is no reason NOT to show them off some how. BUGHOUSE designed this unique record table, which would fit spectacularly into your den ...

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What Features Do You Want To See in iPhone 4.0?

iPhone OS 3.0 is old news. How do we know it’s old news? One, everyone’s already talking about iPhone 3.1. Two, it has been released for more than fifteen seconds. So, with iPhone 3.0 out of the way, what are you looking forward to in the next major software upgrade? Here are some potential future applications, based on Apple patents.

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iPhone App BeautyMeter Pulled for Underage Jailbait Porn

By a show of hands, who loves porn? Don’t be ashamed! I don’t blame you if you’ve felt a little guilt over the past few weeks with the way Apple shuns the nude female form. But in this second case of porn removal (so far), we can at least see the legal sense. Free iPhone app “BeautyMeter,” which was sort ...

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iPhone 3.1 Beta Reveals New Features

Apple is slugging along with their newest developer release of iPhone 3.1. Seems like Steve Jobs is running a much tighter ship than maestro Cook. Many of the major issues of 3.0 (which probably wouldn’t of been there in the first place if it were up to El Jobso) have been fixed. Here is a list of� improvements dredged up ...

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iPhone Dev Team Predicts End of Days For Jailbreaking

Some sad news is abound. The iPhone Dev Team, the peeps behind all the jailbreaking software you use, say that with the advent of the iPhone 3GS, an unlock IS available but Apple is bound to break it with a software update. Not only that, but the team goes on to say that Apple will eventually find a way to ...

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