Search Results for: apple

Afternoon Linkage for May 12th, 2009

I’m nearly convinced I’ve contracted Swine Flu. Snow Leopard is on its way If you like Star Trek and LEDs… A friend of mine actually just purchased a pager Steve “Typography” Jobs Rumor has it that Slingplayer for the iPhone is finally being released tomorrow Is this the new iPhone? Ehhhhhhh Have great links you want showcased on Afternoon Linkage? ...

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Pregnancy Dolls: Great Fun for Pro-Choice, Great Models for Pro-Life

These awesome pregnancy models were designed in 19th century Japan and reappeared in the July 2001 issue of Geijutsu Shincho magazine. The demand for pregnancy toys was must have been overwhelming. Can’t you picture little pro-choice children demanding the chance to perform their own home abortions (Dick Cheney was a child around that time, right?). Fun! Pro-choice kids didn’t get ...

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Transparent Mac SE Prototype

Here’s a little known fact that most people have no clue about: Back in the day, when Apple was working on a new computer model, the prototypes before mass production would feature clear, translucent casing. Don’t believe me? Fire up that DVD player and go watch Hackers. Angelina Jolie uses a clear-plastic Powerbook in the movie. And this Mac SE/30? ...

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Palm Pre Dropping At Best Buy Next Month

Another Monday, another rumor. This time around, “sources” are saying that the upcoming Palm Pre, complete with WebOS and all, is going to be available June 7th at Best Buy. However, this will be a limited rollout, with only 4500 units being available. The carrier? Sprint. And if that wasn’t bad enough, look at these pricing numbers being thrown around: ...

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Myst Hits The App Store

Back in 1994, I played a game that utilized Apple Quicktime to the fullest extent. It was hard as shit, looked beautiful and was called Myst. While I never got into the sequels, the original is the one that really brought the first-person puzzle genre to light. Now, if you’ve got an iPhone that’s hopefully 16GB, you can buy Myst ...

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Calorie-counting Patch Will Call You A Fatass

Having trouble losing weight? This little patch is about to change all that. It’s being produced by a company called PhiloMetron and here’s how it works: slap it on your arm and sensors will measure your energy and calorie intake. From there, the data is beamed to your phone via Bluetooth where you can measure how much you’ve eaten in ...

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Supposed Palm Pre WebOS Screenshots

Been wondering how the Palm Pre is going to look? After all, how could it possibly rival the GUI of Apple’s epic iPhone? Well, I suppose Palm could blatantly copy Apple’s style of menus and what not. Yeah. In fact, I think I’m going to go with that as my final answer. This thing looks like a cheap hunk of ...

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Color Picker Lets You Grab The Colors of Nature

Photoshop has this neat little tool which allows you to grab a selected color from pretty much any image you want. Does that photo of an apple have that perfect red you’ve been looking for? The Color Picker by Jinsun Park allows you to grab any color, from any source, at any time and draw with that selected color, using ...

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Afternoon Linkage for April 27th, 2009 Now with 30% less Swine Flu. Apple puts its full support behind YouTube $10 for a hit of data Useful? Yes. Ugly? Absolutely. Why compete when you can buy out the competition? This would be fun in a bar ZipCar is now catering to government officials Not Safe For Anyone Have great links you want showcased on Afternoon Linkage? ...

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Star Trek iPhone Case

With the upcoming Star Trek movie, this case mod is the perfect idea for those of you who consider yourself true Trekkies. Looks hard to make, no? You’d be wrong, my friend. Just grab a Star Trek federation pin, rip out the Apple logo and glue that fucker right on. You’ll get plenty of cred from your trekkie friends, but ...

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