Search Results for: concept

Think Chair: When A Lamp And A Chair Collide

The idea of forming a lamp / chair hybrid has probably been tossed around before, but pairing that concept with a stylish minimalist design is no easy task. Nonetheless, designers Huseyin Sami and Gary Galego seemed to have pulled it off with the Think Chair. Although classic cartoons and BMX bikes may seem like they have nothing in common, the ...

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Crane games are out, meet RoboCrane

Those damn crane games frustrate us so much. All we want it the little stuffed monkey, and we keep getting the ugly gray stuffed rhino. Or sometimes nothing at all. That’s why we usually stick to the “play until you win” type crane games. RoboCrane is a new Japanese crane style game that could make these games interesting again. Users ...

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Chair Suitcase: Pack up a chair and go

This might not be the first portable chair we’ve seen, but it IS the first portable seat that can be packed with junk or luggage, depending on your needs. The Chair Suitcase is a way for travelers to insure they have a place to sit if all of the lobby chairs in the airport are taken. The ingenious design of ...

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The treadmill of the future is omni-directional

Treadmills are usually used solely for cardio workouts, walking in a one way, linear direction. Virtual Space Devices is working on a concept that would make treadmills omni-directional, making the treadmill sense which way you are moving and adapting to that position. You might be asking yourself, why the hell would I care about a new exercising device? The cool ...

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An easy panorama: Panoramic Digital Camera rolls and spins

We admit that taking panoramic photos has become much easier through the years thanks to technology that allows you to line up the skyline with your other photos, but nothing makes it quite as easy as this. The Panoramic Digital Camera is specially made to spin on its own axis to take perfectly rounded photos. The camera spins a full ...

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Casio Exilim cam phone picture quality disappoints

When we talk about Casio, most people will think about their Exilim digital camera line that Sony, Canon and everybody else copied. Few would know that the company also produces cell phones in Japan. Their G-shock phone was popular, so they decided to bring the Exilim label to their image-oriented cellphones as well. The first Exilim phone is W53CA, which ...

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Bike powered cellphone charging

Those of you who are out to save the world with your eco-friendliness will be thrilled with this new concept. It boggles our mind thinking of why bikes were never used this way before. Featured at the Coachella music festival’s Energy FACtory exhibit, these bikes are one step closer to where we want to be environmentally. The hybrid of the ...

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Dual media player for MP3 and CD playing

OK, well we know we say this about at least one concept a week, but this just might be the coolest damn concept design we’ve ever seen. Dual Music Player, or DMP, is a media player that can play both CDs and MP3s. Sure, there have been Discman MP3 players, but never something that fully embraces both forms of media. ...

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Remarkable design tells you exactly what it used to be

Here’s a really cool product concept that even I, a lowly geek, has thought about from time to time. Have you ever found yourself wondering what a certain product might have been in its previous form? Remarkable is a line of products that integrates the recycled announcement directly into the design of the product. A ruler that projects “I was ...

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3G video calls enabled on top of Mt. Fuji

Imagine video-conferencing at the top of Mt. Fuji, wouldn’t that be cool? This is made possible today by NTT DoCoMo‘s installation of WCDMA signal towers at the peak of the tallest mountain in Japan. So yes, you can still catch up on the games, and your favorite TV shows you missed en route. You can also propose to somebody with ...

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