Search Results for: beer

Making the Outdoors Truly Great — Terrific Camping Innovations

A typical life time will have at least one memory of a totally botched camping trip. Like the time your tent leaked so much you woke up with it sticking to your wet hair, or the poignancy of pouring your canvas palace forth from its tarpaulin sheath to find some crucial ingredient missing, like the tent poles. Camping was once ...

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It’s Hard Being The Tech Savvy Friend

website codes

If you are the tech savvy friend in your circle of friends then you already know exactly what I'm talking about. As the "one with knowledge" you become the instant go to guy. Sure, other friends have this problem as real estate agents and doctors but people tend to break their computers and want tech advice far more often than they want to buy a new house or has a mysterious rash seen to.

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Drugs, Addiction And Hollywood

Cory Monteith

I read an article this morning from Thought Catalog. I try to avoid the site when I can because the grade of writing seems to have gone downhill considerably over time. But something about this article caught my eye, the title “This is What Addiction Looks Like” and it was accompanied by a photograph of Cory Monteith. This article really ...

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7 Reasons Why Being Skinny Is Overrated

Haagen Dasz

Taking a look at present day magazines and commercials, it's easy to see what the "ideal" is for women (and men) in modern day society. The thing is though, that we think the "ideal" of being a skinny woman is pretty overrated. Sure, there's a difference between being curvy and being unhealthy, but we're all for curves.

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Actroid-F: Robots are Becoming Scarily Realistic

AIST (Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) recently opened up their doors to the public for a few days, allowing an inside look at just how ridiculously realistic robots have become. The Actroid-F, developed by Kokoro Co. Ltd and ATR, can mimic the operators facial movements and tics with unbelievable realism. Would I be fooled into thinking ...

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Inverted Pyramid Soda Display Has Caffeine Junkies Taking a Second Glance

I don’t know if I’ve ever put any serious thought into whether or not an inverted pyramid store display was possible or not. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever considered it at all, but Coca-Cola has, and they’ve integrated the idea into their Coke Zero “It’s Possible!” advertising scheme. Coke’s mission was to stand-out in an ocean of calorie ...

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