Search Results for: apple

Myspace Drinks The DAP Kool-Aid

Who does Chris DeWolfe, CEO of, think he is? Michael Arrington of TechCrunch? Because he certainly doesn’t think he’s the CEO of MySpace. If he did, he wouldn’t have come up with the crazy notion that MySpace could compete in what is essentially Apple’s market of portable media players. Seriously, a MySpace-branded portable media player? Are you nuts? According ...

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Beat A Dead Horse: Circuit City Closing 155 Stores

Best Buy sucks but Circuit City has fucked up so bad in the past five years, that it now has to close 155 stores. An official letter got sent over to Consumerist today, detailing the arrangement. Employees will not be getting any severance either, it seems. With its stock trading under $1 at many times, Circuit City has got to ...

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Afternoon Linkage for October 31st, 2008

Happy Halloween! Our contest ends today and we’ll be picking a winner come Monday. Otto is a troublemaker Hide your keys! Macbook 3G Shave underwater. Now that’s intesne Nerd Approved’s Halloween Edition Kid dressed as a Mech No Android for you! Spy vs Spy A different kind of flicker Have great links you want showcased on Afternoon Linkage? E-mail us: ...

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As My Rock Band Guitar Gently Weeps

Originally people thought that the Beatles would make an appearance in the latest Rock Band game. It turns out that MTV Networks announced a deal with the Beatles’ record label, Apple Corps, to create a Beatles-branded music video game. The same developers behind Rock Band will be making the game, apart from its already successful Rock Band franchise. “The project ...

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No Opera For The iPhone

I’m not talking about Phantom here, I’m talking about the web browser, Opera. Apple has beef with the competition and in turn has decided to keep Opera off the App Store. Says ZDNet: Mr. von Tetzchner said that Opera�s engineers have developed a version of Opera Mini that can run on an Apple iPhone, but Apple won�t let the company ...

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The 9999 Boom Box

I love the look of this updated boom box from designer William Kang. It features a built-in screen with a video player plus an MP3 player. Knobs for bass, treble and plenty of ’80s hip hop. Hit the jump to see a few more shots of this bad boy.

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Making Music With The iPhone

The boys over at iLounge have compiled an excellent list of iPhone apps that can be used to create music. Everything from piano to beats to guitar sounds can be had in the palm of your hand thanks to Apple’s magnificent phone. One particular piece of software, BeatMaker, looks incredibly complex and robust. Chances are you can really get some ...

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Toys �R� Us Expanding Its Tech For The Holidays

It’s the holiday season and you know what that means: toys! That’s why Toys ?R? Us is expanding its tech side by adding Apple iPods and Asus Eee PC netbooks to its inventory. The iPods will be sold within specially designed ?iPod boutique? wall displays. iPod Shuffle,? Nano and Touch will all be available come next month, but for how ...

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$99 iPhone On The Way?

Of course not, so don’t you dare get your hopes up. This is just the tongue of analysts who say that Apple has the ability and price room to lower the almighty Jesus-phone down to a paltry $99. Analysts are saying that a – wait for it – $99 iPhone would crush the competition and solidify Apple’s place as a ...

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18-year-old Responsible For False Jobs Rumor

Steve Jobs is dead. Steve Jobs is not dead. Steve Jobs is sick. Steve Jobs is not sick. I’m sick of this shit. Clearly, Steve Jobs is immortal and all this news of his demise is a load of cow dung. Who makes this crap up anyway? The SEC tracked down the little bastard responsible, who just so happens to ...

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