Search Results for: concept

Comply Whoomp! Earbud Enhancers work on iPod headphones

It seems that today everyone and their mom has an iPod, and so there is hardly a day where you don�t see those famous white headphones at least once. Walking around, it looks like everyone loves those headphones, but that is not always the case. Many people actually think they are uncomfortable and don�t sound that good (what a concept). ...

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Maker of White PS3 Mod now offers red and silver

Everyone who keeps up with the tech blogosphere and isn’t blind has seen articles about the White PS3s being sold on eBay for an exorbitant amount of loot. The same guy who was the think tank behind the White PS3 is now offering the console in Red and Silver colors. Both are still in the design and concept stage, but ...

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Vakaadoo iVak nano cases slim down what was already small

It’s a welcomed feature: less material. Nobody wants more bulk. The new Vakaadoo iVak cases for the iPod nanos deal with this concept in a very nice way. They accomplish what a case is meant to accomplish in a stylish and efficient manner. Vakaadoo has make a slim case to fit with the very slim design of the nano. And ...

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Ping Pong for three: Now both your wives can play

Its taken many years to get this far, but technology has finally reached the point to develop something of such sheer genius that our minds can barely wrap around the concept. That’s right, friends. Finally, the three player ping pong table. Table tennis has been an underlying cult sport for decades and we’ve noticed that whenever playing ping pong, there ...

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Go contemporary with the Zgiga TV 2

Many people these days are trying to be unique and making their houses �contemporary� in ways that people have never done (there is a house that has a glass bottom pool for a roof). If you�re one of these people, or you want to feel like you�re going contemporary, maybe you should pray that the Zgiga  TV 2 leaves the ...

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ModeLabs release Eco-Friendly cellphones

With everyone worrying about the environment and global warming, it�s amazing that people just started going on the environment craze with cell phones. There are 3 new phones that Modelabs just released: the YoYo, U-Turn, and Runaway, which are all designed to have the least amount of impact on the environment. The phones are made to pull power from the ...

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Do robots have rights? Studies show they might in the future

If animals and children having “rights” seems ridiculous (damn kids and their demands of food and shelter), the future might hold a whole new concept of Artificial Intelligence and the rights of a robot. With self learning and improving robots just over the horizon, what implications can we expect from a robots needs? If robots were ever developed to the ...

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Microsoft releases Zune firmware update 1.2

The new trend in mobile devices is the ability to update firmware. While firmware updates aren’t exactly a new concept, more and more companies are taking the responsibility of fixing bugs and adding features as users request them. The Microsoft Zune is one of these devices capable of updates, and the new version of its firmware was just released. Users ...

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Transfer files instantly with Rapid Transit

Skip the necessity of putting files on your computer before transferring them to another device with the Rapid Transit USB Transfer Device, which allows you to transfer files directly between two USB devices. With this, you can transfer music, pictures, videos, and playlists between two iPod or other MP3 players (except the Zune, which can do it wirelessly). Just connect ...

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This shirt loves you!

Well, not really. It does, however, let you know someone else loves you, by squeezing various parts of your arms and torso in response to a message sent via cellphone. Of course, it requires a Bluetooth-enabled cellphone and special ‘Hug Me’ Java-based software, but all that is a small price to pay for getting hugs from far-away loved ones. The ...

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