Search Results for: concept

WildCharge wireless charger

It is amazing that this concept is even possible, but scientists Nicola Tesla proved it was many years ago. The WildCharge (which isn’t available for sale yet) is the charger that saves the problems everyone experiences with charger cords. It’s the direction we are destined to follow, many things (if not everything) will eventually become wireless. Just look at new ...

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Woodpixel is your DIY wall art

Maybe an interesting concept, or maybe just another overly-simplistic idea that no one but old school arcade fanboys will buy into. The entire premise of Woodpixel, the 100 x 100 square Scrabble-type board,is that you take 100 different cubes with different shapes of wood on each of the six sides and make your own 8-bit video game character to hang ...

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Duck Image USB drive protects your bike

It’s a daily occurrence at colleges and universities around the nation, and this USB drive might help solve the problem. This problem is of course, bike robbery. While those who have their bike seat stolen are out of luck, a new USB drive made by Duck Image has a built-in bike lock. Time to get metaphorical. Get how your USB ...

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Reuters teams with Yahoo for user submitted news photos

It’s how Peter Parker made a living after discovering his secret Spiderman powers, and now Yahoo and Reuters want to pay you to take pictures of breaking news stories. Yahoo and Reuters have recently partnered up to create a service they are calling “You Witness”. This service runs off of the premise that nearly everyone has a camera on their ...

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Casio Unveils New Tiny Liquid Fuel Cell

Fuel cells seem to be the rage these days, what with LG showing off a concept laptop powered by one, and now Casio has developed this tiny wonder. Measuring just 27.2 x 46 x 2.8mm, Casio’s new fuel cell converts methanol to hydrogen gas. DigitalCameraInfo claims the device can remain ‘autonomous and continuous’, though it’s unlikely they mean that literally, ...

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