Search Results for: apple

iPhone 2.0 Software Available

Looks like the Apple fanboy community couldn’t wait one more day for the release of the iPhone/iPod Touch 2.0 software. Someone found the .ipsw file of the iPhone 2.0 firmware on Apple’s servers and posted the link on MacRumors. With iTunes 7.7 available (I just updated), you can now update your iPhone to the new software. Have an iPod Touch? ...

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eWallet To Secure Finances For iPhone Users

Need a new reason to leave your wallet at home? eWallet, the software that serves as a password manager and digital wallet, has a version coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Word on the street is that the software is finished and ready to launch, awaiting the final word from Apple. With the iPhone 3G within our grasps, the ...

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App Store For iPhone 3G A Smash Hit

Apple originally expected around 200 applications to launch with the iPhone 3G on Friday. Now that number has blown up to over 500 apps and developers are still working. According to Apple, response from developers has been tremendous and by the looks of some of the available apps (some of which are already available on iTunes), customer response should be ...

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First Wave of iPhone 3G Reviews Are In

There is always the Apple fanboy (as well as the general consumer) who wants to read reviews despite the close release of a product. In this case, the iPhone 3G comes out on Friday and the NY Times, WSJ and USA Today have all reviewed the latest iPhone. The verdict? Generally awesome, overall. Data speeds are “much, much faster” according ...

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Afternoon Linkage for July 8th, 2008

People are already lining up for the launch of the iPhone 3G. Are you getting one or are you going to stay inside your air conditioned room reading these links? Without a doubt the wackiest sky walk I’ve ever seen Windex can now be used as a light salad dressing it seems Looking for a job in science-fiction? Score a ...

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MobileMe Launches Tomorrow

You sly .Mac users will be happy to know that Apple has confirmed the official launch date of MobileMe as July 9th. That means tomorrow you’ll be able to strut over to your local Apple store and purchase a copy of MobileMe. Rumors are flying about that Apple may also launch the App Store for the iPhone in addition to ...

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Afternoon Linkage for July 7th, 2008

We all had a great weekend but now it’s time to go back to the rat race. Let’s make it a little easier on ourselves with some fresh, happening links. TEXT The Macbook Air could be getting an internal makeover You should get your girlfriend one of these Looks like the NYPD has a sweet fleet New designer at Apple ...

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Customer Dissatisfaction Regarding iPhone Rate Plans

With the iPhone 3G just around the corner, an online petition was formed regarding Rogers’ iPhone 3G pricing plans which attracted over 41,000 signatures. Service plans were announced to start at $60 for just 150 voice minutes. The gripe is regarding the lack of an unlimited data plan, which is essential for a phone which thrives on data. Also, unconfirmed ...

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Afternoon Linkage for July 2nd, 2008

Can you believe they make a bike for people trying to kill their children? Ridiculous! Hopefully I won’t get run over by one of these at the beach this weekend. Apple is getting sued again This 1UP mushroom burger is making me sick High voltage s’mores anyone? NYC just got a whole lot better Confessions of a Verizon FiOS Support ...

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Grass Mailbox

Designer Adriean Koleric has created a mailbox that is both eco-friendly and chic. Sporting a small patch of dirt to grow grass/flowers/marijuana in, this mailbox will no doubt get you eco-cred with the babes and a thumbs up from your mailman. Did I mention it holds mail? That’s mail, not males. Link (via)

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