Yes! Even more Guitar Hero guitars that, much like the players, try desperately hard to be the real thing. This time around, Logitech is releasing the gorgeous Wireless Guitar Controller Premiere Edition for $250. Screw spending the $250 on a real guitar. Real guitars are for old people. As far as fake guitars go, this thing leaves all the other ...
Read More »Afternoon Linkage for October 23rd, 2008
I’m back from Los Angeles and although my head is killing me and I feel like I was chopped up with an axe, nothing shall keep me from providing you with bodacious links. See what’s happening to NYC’s transit system Windows users better patch up Learn more about Android apps The iBar I’m sure Jimmy Buffet has plenty of these ...
Read More »SOCOM: Confrontation Wasted My Time!
Note: This in-depth review of SOCOM: Confrontation was done by my brother, Dave. Can you believe this shit? Where does Sony get off selling an online game that doesn’t work online, let alone a game that sucks ass when the online does momentarily work. You know what the game box is good for? A plate for my pizza. That’s it. ...
Read More »Next Generation Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
Here’s a new take on the classic Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots toy everyone remembers from when they were young. Tamiya�s Robocraft boxing robots are very much like the classic game, except you build the bots yourself. Sure, they might not look like “Bolt Crusher Bob” and “Gear Grinder Greg” but they’re just as fun. Each robot operates on a ...
Read More »Cancer-fighting Beer Brings About World Peace
This morning, time stood still as I came upon this article on how a team of researchers at Rice University in Houston are working to create a beer that could fight cancer and heart disease. They’re genetically engineering a beer that includes resveratrol, a disease-fighting chemical that can been found in red wine. These folks deserve the Nobel Prize in ...
Read More »Scotch Tape X-Ray Is Almost DIY
Researchers at UCLA have constructed a machine that takes X-ray images using a roll of Scotch tape. When pulled apart, tape generates electromagnetic waves through simple friction. The researchers discovered in a vacuum, sticky tape also sends out strong enough X-rays to image your finger. Pretty neat, considering getting your hands on some Scotch tape isn’t too hard. Imagine if ...
Read More »No Facebook App For G1, Android Users
Way to be lame, Facebook. Thanks to Facebook being a bitch and blocking Google’s Friend Connect service, Facebook in turn will not develop a standalone application for Android. This comes as a huge disappointment to both myself and Google. A lot of people are addicted to Facebook and although the G1 handles the normal Facebook website just fine, a dedicated ...
Read More »Cactus Buddy Resembles Nick Nolte
The next time you’re trippin’ balls, have a girl come over with your Cactus Buddy. You guys can hang out, talk about your chi and sip on dong tea. Scratch yer back and feel good. Only $10 but you can easily make your own with a little glue, googly eyes and a wooden dowel. Link
Read More »Lamborghini’s Enzo Rival Spotted
If you thought the Ferrari Enzo was fast and exotic, wait till you see what Lamborghini is working on. This new model, supposedly named the ‘Jota’, will feature a monstrous V-12 engine delivering at least 700 horsepower to all four wheels. With one huge exhaust pipe, crazy bored out wheels and curves that would make Queen Latifah jealous. It will ...
Read More »Steampunk Goggles With Variable Aperture
Talk about intricate craft! These steampunk goggles from Mike Brown are made with absolute precision, featuring leather bolted directly to the titanium eyepieces. 48 bolts are used to hold each lens in place. You can adjust the aperture in each eye to give you enhanced vision. Oh, and they’ll last for “500 years plus.” Quite possibly the finest work of ...
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