Search Results for: apple

iPhone 3G: Official Product Shots

WWDC was pretty overwhelming, but don’t let that stop you from drooling over the new 3G iPhone. Apple’s site is screwed up from all the traffic it’s getting, so here’s a bunch of iPhone 3G-related pics to keep you happy. Don’t even think of hitting up the online Apple Store – it’s gonna be borked for awhile. I’d imagine July ...

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WWDC 2008 Live Coverage

Hey everyone! Trying to avoid WWDC today would be like a leper trying not to itch his arms – it’s impossible. So while it’s 100 degrees outside, we’re going to stay cool and keep you updated with what’s happening at the Moscone Center. Ryan and I will keep informed with over twenty different news sources, bringing the latest updates right ...

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Afternoon Linkage

Here�s a delicious helping of good reads from around the �net. This Lobster Bottle Opener won’t give you crabs This shop in Sao Paulo looks awesome/eighties The LifeSaver bottle will keep you hydrated in the harshest conditions This shit is supposed to lower your BAC after a night of heavy drinking Kevin C. Tofel is taking his applications entirely online ...

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MST3K Lives On Through YouTube

For those not familiar with Mystery Science Theater 3000, shame on you. A man and two robots trapped on a satellite forced to watch terrible movies sums it up. While most of the humor was displayed during the trash films that played throughout each episode of the show, there were intermissions between commercials. One of the more memorable moments is ...

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Where The Hell Am I Going To Put This Thing

Straight out of the Beetlejuice film comes Dust Furniture, an acid-trip take on real furniture except for one thing: you can’t put books on it. Well, certain shelves seem straight but if you check out the gallery there are tons of these designs which aren’t practical shelving space.� That’s alright though, as Dust Furniture is completely for show. Having guests ...

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Afternoon Linkage

Here�s a delicious helping of good reads from around the �net. You might be able to get a Nintendo Wii at Circuit City Would you buy a $40 1GB MP3 Player with pre-loaded music? This small Bluetooth keyboard resembles Apple’s new keyboard quite a bit DRM strikes again! If you’re good with 360 modding and tinkering, you could probably give ...

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That�s Acrylic, Not Cereal

Ordinary cereal box art turned neon light, Refined Cereal shows that it is possible for you to eat your favorite cereal while 17 friendly mascots (including a doppelganger Cap’n Crunch) glare eerily at you from above. All your favorites are here, except Apple Jacks because they taste like shit. Franken Berri, Count Chocula- hey wait a minute, where’s the fuckin’ ...

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NYC DIYers: MAKENYC2 Tonight!

Do you live in New York City and share a love for gadgets? We suggest checking out the MAKENYC2 meet up tonight in Queens. It takes place at Big Apple Hobbies at 171-69 46th Ave and runs from 7PM on. The date? TONIGHT! The theme is going to centralize around figuring out what’s inside of gadgets. Want to know what ...

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Universal SIM Unlock Card Plays God

With iPhone 2.0 on the horizon, everyone’s buying up what 1st-gen iPhones are still available. If you manage to score one and don’t use AT&T, you’ll have to jailbreak the phone. Instead of relying on conventional unlocking methods though, why not give the Universal SIM Unlock Card a go? As the name implies, this is indeed a SIM card that’s ...

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Rejoice! TiVo Lifetime Subscriptions Make A Comeback

A few years ago, the phrase DVR meant TiVo. If you were recording TV shows, you were TiVoing. Times changed, TiVo panicked and the company stopped offering lifetime subscriptions. Ever since then, TiVo’s charisma has been flawed and the company has been offering extras to subscribers to placate them year after year. Thankfully, the company has realized the error of ...

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