Not every designer has an eye for color tones, but there are a talented few that can distinguish between colors that are only a shade or two apart. For those who have a hard time identifying and remembering certain colors that you’ve seen in nature or just on the street, Pantone has developed their very own gadget called Capsure, a handheld color scanner that will allow the user to capture and identify colors from just about any surface, including small objects and multi-colored patterns and textures, as well as walls and carpets.
Using tri-directional image capture technology, the Capsure illuminates the colors from three directions at once, recording 27 color accurate images in 1.6 seconds, extracts the four most dominant colors and allows the user to choose which one suits their fancy. The device then identifies that color from its built-in directory of 8,000 Pantone colors. You can get the Capsure now for $649.