This is Ray Charles, a golden retriever puppy born on December 8, 2012.

Ray Charles is a little different to other puppies his age however, in that he is blind. Yes, we thought you had probably already guessed that from his name.
Ray was born blind and his breeder soon noticed that his rambunctious siblings were acting much differently than he did. The breeder’s vet soon confirmed that Ray was blind which meant that Ray’s chances of finding a forever home of his own were significantly reduced.
Lucky for Ray though, one Bostonian (with a house already full of dogs) knew that his was the perfect home for a dog like Ray.
Ray Charles has not just found a physical home though, this pup has found himself all over the web as his owners petition to get the Bruins to allow Ray to drop the puck at one of their upcoming games! Ray’s petition has already garnered 551 signatures and the target is set for 2,000.
Why should you care if Ray gets to drop the puck? What are you, heartless? Sign the petition and then follow Ray Charles the blind golden retriever on his Facebook page to see what he’s been up to recently!