So as it turns out, scientists might not just be blowing smoke when it comes to all of this global warming hubbub. The average Earth temperature climbed a full 0.2 degrees C, making it the hottest decade on record. And the ’10s are almost certainly going to be hotter than the Noughties, say scientists.
Will the ’10s bring even more environmental awareness than the ’00s? We sure hope so.
Woo with increases like 0.2 surely we can’t take anymore Global heat. Just think we may see warming all the way to 0.3 this decade. Woe is us. /sarcasm
Horse hockey.
Considering the average temperature in the medieval warming period was way higher than the average of this decade the predictions for greater food growth and a new “renaissance” looks pretty good!
Go Global Warming! /not sarcasm
That means BEACH SEASON!!!
And btw, before I forget, The game.
More motorcycle weather. FTW.