Scandal. Outrage. Schadenfreude. All words easily used to describe Apple’s little iPhone 4 situation. Rumors today suggested that Steve Jobs was well aware of the iPhone 4’s reception issues, possibly as early as last year in the very early design stages of the device’s development, thanks to a heady antennae expert by the name of Ruben Caballero. A “carrier partner” also conveyed concern over the high potential of antennae issues. Palm Pre and Droid users are practically orgasming in delight over Apple’s apparent misfortune. The “I told you so”s are in full effect.
Apple has announced a press conference at their Cupertino headquarters tomorrow to discuss the PR disaster that has become the iPhone 4, most likely centering around the “death grip” issue. Details are hazy on what exactly will be announced or discussed, but you can bet your ass that either way, people are going to be pissed.
[via, via]
more than likely centering around the white iPhone 4