Lucky you, iPhoners and iPod Touchers. Seems a little “application” called Pastebud brings copy and paste functionality to Safari and Mail through clever JavaScript and bookmarking. Consider it the year’s ultimate iPhone hack. It’s not an official application that you get through the App Store but it sure as hell works. Hey, it’s the best you’re going to get until ...
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No $99 iPhone For Walmart
Last week, I briefly discussed a rumor floating around that Walmart would offer a special 4GB version of the iPhone for $99. It seemed like bullshit then and it appears that it still is nothing more than a load of crap. Now Macrumors has received an image of a Walmart training document that shows the iPhone 3G for $197. Yes. ...
Read More »Ultimate Rumor: $99 iPhone Coming To Walmart
Here’s a rumor that seems plausible but I’m kind of cautious about reporting. Walmart is begging Apple to come and sell the iPhone at its stores. Apple might agree to this and cut a deal like it did with Best Buy. Now BGR is reporting that a new 4GB iPhone (possibly 3G) will be sold at the low price of ...
Read More »iPhone App Unlocks AT&T WiFi Hassles
If you’ve got an iPhone, you’re probably aware that AT&T has given you access to a bunch of free WiFi hotspots around the country. Problem is, you’ve got to go through a draconian login process to collect your free Internet. Ya know, the one where you have to SMS back and forth with AT&T like a couple of sophomores at ...
Read More »Tire Tread iPhone 3G Case
If you’ve been looking for a solid case for your iPhone 3G, you need not look any further. This $15 dollar Vroom tire tread case is made from 100% rubber and as we all know, rubber can bounce. This’ll not only protect your phone by cushioning the blow of impact, but it’ll also prevent your phone from slipping out of ...
Read More »iPhone 2.2 Update Makes NYC Life Easier
Living in New York, it’s quite frustrating when you just miss a train and are forced to wait for 25 minutes until the next one shows up. The latest iPhone update apparently can tell you when the next train departs when you use Google Maps. This is a really neat feature that I praise Google for doing. The real question ...
Read More »The iPhone Now Walks
Listen, dude. Forget everything you heard about the iPhone. Forget the apps, forget the voice recognition calling, forget everything because all of its capabilities and features have just been outdone. A Japanese software engineer named Kazu Terasaki has given his iPhone the ability to walk. Yes, he’s turned his iPhone into a kick ass robot that takes baby steps. Because ...
Read More »Voice Recognition Web Searching For The iPhone
Typing, “hot horny girls go wild in a jacuzzi,” can be difficult on an iPhone; even with that QWERTY keyboard. By Friday, Apple hopes to remedy this problem by releasing Google’s new voice recognition application in the iTunes store. Once you have the app, you can forget about typing. Just say out loud, “Where can I find the Chicks With ...
Read More »iPhone 3G Tethering Confirmed
After months of speculation and rumors AT&T CEO Ralph De la Vega has confirmed that both AT&T and Apple will officially offer the capability to use the iPhone 3G as a modem. How well Apple’s iPhone 3G will perform as a modem remains to be seen as does its availability. If you’re one of the 3G users who’ve been patiently ...
Read More »Ocarina iPhone App Unleashes Your Inner Jethro Tull
Now here’s an iPhone application worth plunking down 99 cents for. It’s an Ocarina app that lets you play notes like a traditional ocarina by allowing you to hold down valves on the screen and blowing into the microphone. Sounds pretty creative. The best part is that it comes with a Legend of Zelda mode that turns it into, well, ...
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