The Seene app for the iPhone allows users to create easy 3D photos that they can share bringing a whole new element to sharing photos. The Seene app creates parallax-based 3D photos with the help of the phone's accelerometer, guiding users through the process as they photograph multiple angles of a given subject.
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Microsoft Extends Their Trade-In Program For Your iPhone
Yes, you read that right, MICROSOFT is extending their trade-in program and is offering cash for your gently used iPhone 4S and 5. Microsoft is looking to take your gently used iPhone 4s and 5 off your hands in their expanded trade in program. The Microsoft program is offering a minimum of $200 for these units but there is a catch - the funds you receive will come in the form of a Microsoft store credit rather than cash.
Read More »The iPhone 5S, The Cheaters Nightmare?
Paranoia abounds in a recent article from TechCrunch entitled "Your Nosy Boy/Girlfriend Can Unlock Your iPhone 5s With Your Thumb While You Sleep." We already talked about why we won't be picking up the new iPhone but this article made us giggle like a schoolgirl.
Read More »5 Reasons Why The iPhone 5 Is Still The Best Choice!
With the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C in play, a lot of people are debating on making the switch. Today we want to give you 5 reasons why the iPhone 5 is worth sticking with until the next iPhone release.
Read More »Apple Announces Details On The iPhone 5S!
If the iPhone 5C isn't your cup of tea then you might be more interested in the unveiling of the iPhone 5S that was also announced today. The new high-grade aluminum iPhone 5S will be available in black, silver and gold and have chamfered edges.
Read More »The Apple iPhone 5C Announcement!
If you've been on the edge of your seat waiting for the announcement from Apple today in regards to the newest iPhones then wait no longer! Let's talk about the Apple iPhone 5C.
Read More »Is There Already Bad Press For The iPhone 5C?
Apple is no stranger to human rights and labor violation complaints and it seems like the iPhone 5C is no exception to the trend. According to recent headlines human rights groups are targeting Apple for potential labor violations in connection with the iPhone 5c.
Read More »A Sneak Peek At The iPhone 5C In Blue, Pink And Yellow!
Chinese website briefly featured a preview of the iPhone 5C in blue and a number of other colors before the pictures were quickly pulled down at the request of a "relevant party." Take a look at the photos below and let us know which of the new 5C colors you've got your eye on. Us? We'll stick to the colored cases and give the 5C a miss.
Read More »iPhone Trade In Plan Begins At Apple Stores Today!
If you've got your eye on the new Apple iPhone 5C but are still recovering from your last iPhone purchase then you'll want to take a look at the new iPhone trade in plan that was started at Apple retail locations today!
Read More »A Periscope For Your iPhone
If you have ever had the urge to stalk someone using a periscope then this iPhone gadget is just what you've been waiting for! Sure, it's slightly stalkerish, but this iPhone periscope (actually referred to as a rotating spy lens from Photojojo) costs just $20.
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