Search Results for: ps3

Afternoon Linkage for November 20th, 2008

We’ll be attending some trade shows tonight, so keep on the lookout for giveaways… This laptop case gives me wood 240 FPS Gaming Flying Tampon Playstation Home 1.0 Get inside a Macbook Where the hell is this phone booth from? Link

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Software I Actually Bought: MediaLink

I have to come clean for a minute. I haven’t purchased any Mac or PC software in well over three years. I’m a pirating machine and I’d like to think I do it very well. However, I recently got a demo of some software called MediaLink from Nullriver Software. It essentially links my Macs to my Playstation 3 out in ...

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Playstation 3 Keypad Attachment Debuts Next Month

I love my PS3 and all but I have to admit, typing messages to other players takes too long for it to be truly efficient. Enter Sony‘s official keypad for the Playstation 3. It’s trying to sell it next month for $50. That’s nearly the cost of a DualShock 3 controller sans controller. Ouch. Still, I’m considering buying one so ...

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Resistance 2 Has A Major Online Bug

Resistance 2 is quite the game. I picked up my copy yesterday and while I very much enjoy it, it currently possess a critical flaw that detracts from enjoying the game with a friend. If you log in to the game with two controllers and you try to play split-screen co-op or deathmatch online, it automatically disconnects you (and rather ...

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Afternoon Linkage for November 11th, 2008

Insert witty sentence here. No puns, please. AVG Virus Scanner will fuck your PC up Circuit City fails at liquidations I’m loving this handheld SNES Tokyoflash is back with a new watch Trippy dancing flowers Now that’s what I call rich taste Here’s a review of Mirror’s Edge $300 million went to the Rock Band development team Liquid Tree Mister ...

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Afternoon Linkage for November 5th, 2008

Congratulations to the President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama. Buy your kid an AMG Probably the best deal in gaming Playstation 3 Owners: You’ll need this for Black Friday Google bails on Yahoo! ViewMaster 3-D or otherworldly device? I want one of these benches when I get lung cancer From mouse to scarab Barnacle Chair Obama through LEGO Have ...

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Little Big Pac-Man And Other Little Big Classics

I sure hope you’ve had a chance to dabble with LittleBigPlanet. If you haven’t, you’re certainly missing out on all of the fan-made levels that have flooded Sony servers, causing SOCOM to be unplayable. With all of the creative power behind the game, it’s no surprise players have already started recreating their favorite gaming classics such as Pac-Man, Tetris, Sonic ...

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Little Big Planet: Early Hands On

This weekend I happened to acquire a nice PS3 as well as a copy of Little Big Planet. If you haven’t heard, the game isn’t supposed to go on sale until Tuesday due to some issues with the game’s music. I’ve been playing it with my roommate for a day or two and I gotta say it’s impressive. It reminds ...

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Portable Blu-ray Super Multi Drive

Are you still looking for a Blu-ray player? Vince already told you that a PlayStation 3 is the way to go. What? You don’t have four hundred bucks? Sheesh. Bummer. I guess the $289 Portable Blu-ray Super Multi Drive will have to suffice. While it’s not as “super” as the PS3 at playing video games, it can burn DVDs and ...

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Afternoon Linkage for October 16th, 2008

Ho hum! Have you seen our review of the T-Mobile G1 Googlephone? The PSP 2 Need a dope yacht? LittleBigPlanet and Will Wright come to terms A finger phone Help Joel build his gaming rig Quicksilver Blood Money! LED Art Kits Which Macbook is right for you? Have great links you want showcased on Afternoon Linkage? E-mail us: tips AT ...

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