Search Results for: solar powered

E-Trike is the Baddest Looking Electric Tricycle You’ll Ever See

The image of a tricycle is traditionally not one that strikes fear in the eyes of onlookers. Quite the contrary. Tricycles seem to be a bully magnet. While the E-Trike might result in envious thievery, I sincerely doubt anyone would be willing to mess with you face-to-face if you parked this in your garage. Though despite its hard looks, Josh ...

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Apple Patent Harnesses the Power of the Sun in an Unexpected Way

While Apple hasn’t yet patented the sun (yet), they are interested in what the sun can do for them and their hardware. A newly revealed patent suggests that Apple might be gearing up for a more eco-friendly line of laptops, but not through traditional solar power. Picture this: a mirror attached to the lid of your laptop folds out to ...

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Flair Hair Visor Transforms You Into Even More of a Douchebag

Balding got you down? Is your hairstyle just not douche-y enough? The Flair Hair Visor gives you that look of douchebaggery you’ve been craving, transforming any receding hairline into a spiky nest of asshat. Let’s be honest, the visor is just an act. A convenient way to hide the wig. If your buying this hat, you’re likely not purchasing it ...

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Holiday Spirit: The Lazy Way Out

Is your neighbor one of those dickish pricks who just can’t be outdone during the holiday season. They make the best cookies, they create the coolest nativity scene, they put on the best light show, they just refuse to come in second. This year, beat them at their own game (or at least come in a close second) and save ...

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Nano-sized Lock Box Opened with Key Made of DNA

Atomically, DNA and its components are about as tiny as we can get before we enter the realm of “I don’t know what the hell I’m looking at here.” So you can imagine how “nano” we’re talking here when we mention a nano-sized box, made of DNA, which can only be opened by a specific DNA strain. Now THAT’S security. ...

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DIY Toy Car Launcher

Dads. I’ve got some news for you. This weekend, instead of watching your TiVo’d NHL playoff games, you’re going to be making this toy car launcher for your kid. DotaDabbled’s Instructable provides precise details on how you can create one using some wood, plastic and other miscellaneous doo-dads (pardon the pun) lying around the house. Link [via]

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Afternoon Linkage for March 13th, 2009

Dance! Too many gadgets in the pants! Steampunk Eyepod Let the sun take care of your trash Literally, taste the rainbow Details on Bioshock 2 This thing is a godsend for iPhone owners Some dude replaces his Apple logo with an LCD Living Underground in Style I’d totally use Microsoft’s latest mouse, the ARC Have great links you want showcased ...

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