Super Mario Throat Tattoo: As Hardcore As it Gets…Almost

Mario Neck Tattoo

There have been a lot of gaming themed body art images coming down the pipeline in recent years, but few could compare to this Mario and Luigi throat tattoo. You have to hand it to a guy who would risk being a social outcast just so he can express his love for gaming. Still, I haven’t seen (nor do I care to see) anyone take their love of gaming and body modification to the ultimate extreme. Any takers on a Halo 3 penis tattoo? God, I hope not. � Sean Fallon

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About Mohit


  1. haha!
    “You have to hand it to a guy who would risk being a social outcast just so he can express his love for gaming”
    i havent got any problems with that tattoo, people find it funny ;D
    and I love it and I will never regret it!
    and love that you wrote about it, haha!
    check out my other shit on myspace.

  2. Actually, I admire you for doing it. You definitely have some balls.

  3. I went to this guy’s myspace and not only does he look like a college town lesbian but from what I can tell has turned is body into a tribute to having a child’s brain no matter how much his body ages. Along with a anti George Bush tattoo he has a bio hazard symbol on his hand, and the term, “one two, fuck you”.

    There should be an I.Q. test to pass at tattoo parlors.

  4. has balls and no brains!

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