How would you feel about having a cell phone grafted onto your throat, or a keyboard into your fingertips? With recent research, this might not be such a far-off idea.
Read More »Tag Archives: cyborg
How To Make A Cyborg: Contents Needed – A Few Cardboard Boxes, Stilts, 1 Human
When adults used to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, typically my answer was “a robot.” Sure, depending on who was asking there were a few times I stuck in a “I want to be just like you!” or a snide “I aspire to be the greatest hobo that ever lived,” but more often then ...
Read More »Chariot Wearable Transporter: Part Segway, Part Cyborg
Legs just aren’t what they used to be. Human limbs used to be the driving force behind America’s booming industry, once ushering in a new age of wealth. These days, machines are slowly taking our place on the assembly line. From a businessman’s stand point, it just makes sense. Why pay four employees for a job that a single robot ...
Read More »For The Kids
Get your children started on the path to geekdom with this Robot Toothbrush Holder. It’s only $8 and can hold two brushes with its powerful claws. It’ll also hold your disposable razor, but I wouldn’t trust a ‘borg with a blade any day. Anyone who’s seen Blade Runner will tell you that. Link [via]
Read More »Dean Kamen’s “Luke” Arms
The Luke Arm is the world’s first real, fully-functional prosthetic arm. The video shows Dean Kamen and the progress his team has made with the prosthesis as they work with the arm in either a remote-controlled or thought-controlled method. The Luke Arm’s silicone-rubber inner-side straps work with the arm and distribute pressure at certain areas of the body during use. ...
Read More »Monkey Controls Robotic Arm With Brain Sensor
Scientists have rigged up two monkeys with tiny sensors in their brains. Through a new process, they’ve learned to control a mechanical arm with only their thoughts. Singularity of mammal and machine is nothing new, though this specific study could pave the way for more human-based experiments. “This study really pulls together all the pieces from earlier work and provides ...
Read More »Singularity Is Creepy And Inevitable
If you’ve ever wondered what goes on inside the head of Lando Calrissian’s cyborg-liaison, Lobot, engineers at Caltech have created a robotic device intended to be used as a brain to computer interface. By positioning electrodes in neural tissue, we’ll be able to turn organic beings into mindless robot drones. This technology is at a primitive stage in time, but ...
Read More »Moth Torture Unveiled By Paranoid Scientists
Much of the newest level of Big Brother-type surveillance seems overly paranoid for my taste, and this just takes it to a whole new level of suspicion. Scientists at Georgia Tech have been dabbling with an idea which is the best thing since Bird’s Ass View. The prospect of producing cyborg SpyBot moth’s, which are implanted with surveillance equipment in ...
Read More »Muscle suit makes you a super-human freak of nature
Let’s be realistic. If you’re sitting in front of a computer screen all day, chances are that your insides are slowly becoming a gelatinous blob of what use to be considered muscle. The Muscle Suit promises to increase the average human strength by using a cyborg exoskeleton. Soon, we too will have a chance to compete in strongest man competitions. ...
Read More »Full body cyborg suit coming next year, humans given two more years to live
The Daiwa House Industry Co. has created a full bodied cyborg that looks like something you might see at your local movie theater. The exoskeleton was designed to assist those who have difficulties moving around on their own. Those people will know be able to survive nuclear explosions. We joke. When the user wants to move a limb, the suit ...
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