It’s super hard for people with hearing problems to have any fun at movie theaters or the like without there being someone narrating the whole audio component of the film. The Subtitle-Reading Glasses aims to give access to subtitles even for movies with no subtitles on the screen. The gadget snaps onto the frame of glasses to display subtitles from ...
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Memo Pen for on-the-run note writing in pill form
How do you feel when you need to take a note down, but realize that you left your notepad at home? A pen doesn’t do much without paper. The Memo Pen combines the two into an inseparable hybrid of productivity. The Memo Pen is a standard-sized pen with a 2-foot by 2″ rolled-up piece paper in its tubing which dispenses ...
Read More »Solar Powered Bikini keeps your drink cold and the tunes flowing
The great outdoors become all the more great during the warm days of summer. Though for us, the outside poses the obstacle of finding a source of energy to power our electronics. While we might not go as far as to wear a Solar Powered Bikini, we would thankfully use our girlfriends to supply our beloved electronics with power. Made ...
Read More »Countdown for Bush keychain
Here’s a gadget for anyone counting down the seconds until Bush is out of office, which is about 70% of you if recent approval rating polls are accurate. With the upcoming 2008 election looming ahead and campaigns already in full force, there’s nothing like a nice reminder to keep you chugging through the current administration. Bush has something like 600 ...
Read More »Feature: Are desktop PC’s becoming obsolete?
Desktop PC’s have been a foundation of everyday life for most people for over a decade now. If you were to do a case study of computers and their hardware history, one fact remains a constant. Hardware just keeps increasing work capacity, while also decreasing in physical size. With the ever growing explosion of laptop sales and the ever shrinking ...
Read More »Fire breathing Jumping Spider Robot does nothing but intimidate
OK, this fire-breathing jumping robot may not be the most productive of the bunch or have any true purpose, but damn it is cool looking. The spider features legs that can be controlled independently of each other with an airbag on its bottom which allows it to jump two feet in the air. If you’re looking for functionality, look somewhere ...
Read More »Shoot the alarm clock when you want to snooze
When we hear that alarm clock beeping in our ears in the morning, we either ignore it, or wish we had a gun to blow the damn thing to pieces. With this gun operated alarm clock you can have all of the fun of the second option, while wiping out the need of the first. Designed by Roger Ibars, this ...
Read More »NukAlert Radiation Monitor and Alarm saves you from nuclear fallout
This seems as about as effective as hiding under a desk in school, but for all of you paranoid Cold War conspiracy nuts, here is a gadget that might put you at ease. The NukAlert Radiation Monitor and Alarm system monitors your surroundings 24/7. Keeping you attuned to the invisible, yet deadly radiation that could cause serious damage to your ...
Read More »Wind-up DAB Radio for digital sound through a disaster
Many people can’t live without their DAB radios to get them through the day. At some places of business, that’s about the only entertainment allowed, if you’re lucky. What happens for those who want to listen to a DAB radio without contributing the minuscule amounts of emission substances that a regular DAB radio puts out? That’s where the wind-up DAB ...
Read More »Laser Scissors: Always have neatly cut coupons
For some reason, some people (including me) have never learned how to master the art of cutting a straight line with scissors. Hand eye co-ordination has a way of deluding us the pleasure of a crisp straight cut. This simple gadget makes our linear instabilities easier to refine using a laser which projects a straight line onto the paper you ...
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