Tag Archives: hacks

Programmer Fixes An Obsolete Vectrex

Forget what I said about the Vectrex, I was merely poking fun. It is a goofy looking but awesomely retro gaming console that’s easy to ridicule. If you just so happen to have one collecting dust in your attic because of an obsolete chip, In Choi writes on Programmable Logic DesignLine about emulating the chip with logic design. Choi proves ...

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Terrifying Halloween Eyes

We saw Matt Daughtrey’s terrifying Halloween project on Make and before you know it, it had us shaking in our boots. OK, that’s a blatant lie; on the other hand the LMDriver platform he uses is neat. It works with LEDs to display eyes that look around and blink. It’s a project that’s begging to be put into a pumpkin, ...

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Fallout 3 Xbox 360 Version Leaked

Just a few days after going gold, Fallout 3 has leaked on to the Internet. While it may seem to be one of the worst console piracy cases of the year, so far it has yet to reach the controversial level that Spore has had and Bethesda has yet to make an official statement regarding the leak. So far, only ...

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Iomo Split Camera

Anyone with a Mac knows how much fun Photo Booth can be. Distort your face with your friend, get a good laugh and throw it up on Facebook. But what if you went on a vacation and wanted to bring the fun of Photo Booth with you without the need for a laptop? Enter the Iomo Split Cam. This camera ...

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Palin’s Hacker Is Indicted

Having a father who’s the chairman of Tennessee’s House Government Operations Committee won’t help you much when you’ve wronged a vice presidential candidate. David Kernell of Knoxville, Tennessee pleaded not guilty in a federal court on Wednesday. Accused of intentionally accessing Palin’s e-mail account without authorization, he was later indicted for it and now faces up to 5 years of ...

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The Basement Scientist Unleashes The MIDI Arduino Shield

I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. The Basement Scientist, a fine DIYer and hardware hacker, has finally received his MIDI shield boards from Batch PCB. What does this mean? It means that soon, he’ll do a run of MIDI shield PCBs that will be available for purchase. In turn, that means you can easily run MIDI ...

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Arcadimac Brings The Old School Fun

Those of you with an old Bondi Blue iMac G3 lying around, take note: you can actually use it for something useful. I know, it’s shocking but you’ve got to believe me. Modder Napes went and converted his old unit into a retro arcade. It uses sweet arcade-style joysticks and the 15″ display the iMac has is perfect for a ...

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DIY Barcade On The DL Bears No Shame

When you’re having company over, you can never be too sure whether or not they’re gamers. If they are, they’ll embrace your secret with open arms. If they aren’t, they’ll mock you. So, it’s best to keep your mouth shut about games and pour some drinks, instead. Burke Lashell has drinking friends, gaming friends and a whole lotta’ beer. When ...

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Marijuana Pipe Made From An Old NES Controller

While you wait for your NES external hard drive to finish transferring porn, you might as well start making a piece to smoke with from an NES controller. Just gouge out the D-pad and fit a bowl in there, man. Connect a little rubber tubing and a mouthpiece and you’re ready to get stoned. Wait. Where’d I put my lighter ...

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