Tag Archives: hacks


It had to be done. Have you been Simpsonized yet? Chances are you have. Don’t worry, we won’t tell. Post your Simpsonized pics :). — Andrew Dobrow Link

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The literal Microsoft Home Server

And we thought Apple fanboys were adamant about their OS? Check out this crazy house which uses the Windows logo as an actual window. We have to admit, this logo looks a lot better as an actual window than an apple would. Next they’ll be a new song called “We Built This City On Microsoft”. — Andrew Dobrow Link

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Spruce up your bike wheels with LED Spokes

So, either your parents haven’t ponied up the dough for a new car, you have a bad job, or you just feel like riding a bike is more environmentally friendly. For whatever reason you’re riding a bike, the LED Spokes are a really cool way of making your wheels unique. If you can’t have the blingage of chrome rims, but ...

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This is news?: The iPhone to definitly have games

Just in case the super game friendly touchscreen of the iPhone wasn’t all the proof you needed to conclude that there will eventually be game software for the phone, a piece of code embedded in the iTunes’s software further confirms the evident fact that Apple has plans to issue games. The coding looks something like this: /* ===== iPhone Game ...

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Dananananananana Batmobile case mod (song to the “Batman Theme”)

You might not have as many cool gadgets as Batman, but at least you can pretend. Everybody’s favorite vampire-esque super hero has just been made into an excellent PC case mod. Inspired after the iconic Batmobile. The modded system started as a normal AMD Sempron 2800+ with 40 gig HD, 736 MB of DDR 400 ram, and a CD/DVD drive. ...

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The Vespa is all of a sudden awesome again

This modded Vespa is not your average motor-scooter. Sporting an LCD touchscreen, WiFi internet, a Windows XP PC, and the entire collection of Jefferson Airplane, this GTS250 Vespa is one rockin’ piece of tech-transport. The Super Vespa, as we have come to call it for obvious reasons, also features a Yves Saint Laurent custom seat, but really, who the hell ...

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NES emulator for the iPhone makes the $500 worth it

Has anyone noticed how quick the progress of iPhone applications is advancing? Only weeks ago was a third-party “Hello World” application being made, and now we’ve already reached the pinnacle with a NES emulator. So far, the emulator runs a bit too slow to be playable without the annoyance of a tortoise-speed game play. And the game controller, although adorably ...

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Optimus Prime PC case mod transforms your computer

Check out this excellent transforming Optimus Prime PC case mod made by 36 year old John Mangus. Not only can you fit the desktop mod on your desk, but the PC also transforms into a 6 foot 10 inch tall Optimus Prime robot clone. The hardware and guts for the computer sit in the translucent chest of Optimus, illuminated by ...

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DIY vasectomy kit: Ummm…Ouch

Don’t you hate how sperm has a way of mysteriously finding its way to your mate’s egg? Damn them. The DIY vasectomy kit comes with all of the magnetic pieces you need to perform your own reproductive nip and tuck. As the packaging says, all it takes is a steady hand. Though, we suggest adding in some ice cubes to ...

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