Designer Chris Demino started this project with one problem in mind. Taking an old product and turning it into a functional product. The result is the Typo-Vac, an old typewriter which has been converted into a working vacuum cleaner. Concept design has taken a turn to the recycling of old products, and some of these ideas are ingenious. The Typo-Vac ...
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America’s Most Wanted Spammers: The 200 that control 80% of spam on the net
Spam is probably one of the top choices for peoples pet peeves, at least it is for us. The Spamhaus Project has compiled a list with detailed information of the 200 people and companies that control about 80% of all the spam on the net. Us here at Gearfuse are encouraging you to revolt and take a stand. Send as ...
Read More »Chinese government to control the weather at the Olympic Games
Those mad scientists over in China have a crazy scheme hatched to make sure that nothing rains on their parade. The Beijing Olympics are rapidly approaching and with China’s renown downpours, cynics have dashed hope on a happy Olympic outing in the motherland. The Chinese government has decided to take nature into their own hands. They plan on using new ...
Read More »DIY: Solar Car Battery
Jumper cables are unreliable at best. It’s about time for a change. This DIY will show you how to make your own solar charged car battery using pretty basic items. The one thing you’ll probably need to pick up is the solar panel, and to tell you the truth, not much more is needed. The panel is connected to the ...
Read More »Dying boy gets his gaming wish
The Make-A-Wish Foundation has been making terminally ill people’s dreams come true for decades. This little boy with a brain tumor must of been one huge World of Warcraft fan. 10-year-old Ezra Chatterton had his wish fulfilled when Blizzard agreed to give him a full hands-on onslaught of WoW goodness. Ezra got the chance to record his voice in a ...
Read More »DIY: Cellphone dock and wire wrangler
Are you frustrated that you can’t find a cellphone dock that fits your needs? Here’s a solution. Make your own! Instuctables has a nice and simple DIY which guides you through producing your own cellphone accessory. The dock and wire wrangler work together to keep your cellphone in one compact area, without any pesky tangles. Really great for someone who ...
Read More »The Art Of Technology: No, this is not a photograph
Check out the above image and tell me if you can tell the difference between the lovely bride and a real photo of a lovely bride. This is not a real photo. The above painting was made using nothing more than an artistic eye for detail and a computer. And we thought the WoW Night Elf rendering was amazing! Check ...
Read More »Make your own Rubik Cake: Mmm, Mmm…Puzzling!
We have seen our fair share of cool geeky cakes, but this is the first one we have seen that comes with a tutorial to actually make it yourself. This Rubik Cube Cake is truly as cool as the arctic tundra. Just plain geek-o-rific. Using some skilled frosting cutting and lots of strategically placed food coloring, you to can win ...
Read More »DIY: Progressive Scan Camcorder
We’ve seen some cool DIY’s, but this might take the cake on the technical aspect of things. Ever wanted to make your own Progressive Scam Camcorder? Odds are it never even passed your mind, but regardless, you can now create your own. The Progressive Scan Camcorder in question was used to make the 88-minute indie sci-fi film, The Shimmering Earth. ...
Read More »Chuck Norris eats orcs for breakfast
When I first saw this, I was all like, “Wow!”. And it turns out I was right. It seems as though Chuck Norris has transformed himself into a WoW character, to fully take advantage of his roundhouse kicks and kick some PvP ass. While the WoW version of Chuck seems slightly more buff than its human counterpart, we’re sure the ...
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