There is surely a large percentage of you who have been holding out on the iPhone not out of spite, but because you just don’t have the extra cash laying around. In these times of financial strife, sacrifice is essential. If you still want to at least LOOK like you can afford an iPhone, is selling non-working display models ...
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The Everyday Life of Darth Vader
Even evil overlords put their pants on one leg at a time. Just because he has an evil empire to run, doesn’t mean his responsibility of personal hygeine and everyday duties comes to an end. In fact, for someone who interacts with so many acolytes, its important to smell fresh. Darth Vader, much like any universe-domineering dictator, still manages to ...
Read More »The Geekiest Game of Scrabble Ever
Scrabble is geeky enough to begin with, but you can imagine the depths of geekiness that can be reached limiting yourself to only words of geekage. The above board is the geekiest game of Scrabble I’ve ever seen played and likely the geekiest I’ll ever see. Even if you don’t use words like “vociferous” or “solipsism” you can still have ...
Read More »The NES Console Guitar
The title of this post is in no way misleading. This is an actual working guitar made using an NES console! This must be the coolest damn mash-up in gaming history. I’ve heard people say gaming rocks, but this is ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome. Awesomely ridiculous. Awdiculous. Including Donkey Kong knobs and Mario switches, check out the video after the jump ...
Read More »Cocaine Scale in an iPhone Costume
Scarface would have been all over this Cocaine Scale, which makes the device resemble an iPhone. Take off the mobile-esque case and poof, snort away into your own magical world of speed. A scale is essential for dealers who like to measure their sale out to the exact milligram. While in its case, the scale looks like your average iPhone, ...
Read More »Mini Lighter Cufflinks
These Mini Lighter Cufflinks were available on Etsy before the internet took over and sold out every last pair. Will they be back? Who knows, but lord, these things are awesome. They’re cufflinks which are actual lighters, meaning you can light up a smoke without even reaching into your pocket. I wouldn’t recommend these if you go a little heavy ...
Read More »Dreamcast Controller iPhone Dock
Old meets new(ish) in Jay Hauf’s Dreamcast iPhone Dock creation. Mr. Hauf, you have just propelled yourself into one of the top spots for best iPhone dock mod. I don’t know if this is cooler than the Dinosaur Dock, because come on, it’s a fricken’ dinosaur, but it’s pretty damn close.
Read More »Google Street View Spies on LARPing Nerds
A globe-trotting Twitter user discovered this Google Street View image of a bunch of nerds LARPing it up for the cameras. They’re prepared for dragon slaying, princess slaying and immortality, but are they prepared for eternal embarrassment? Next, on “LARPing to the Oldies”. I live right across the PA border, but I haven’t seen anything like this around here. Those ...
Read More »PS3 Slim Gets Smooshed Into A Laptop
The PS3 Slim was already beginning to feel a little chubby. Time takes a a toll on the body. Thankfully, we have Ben Heck to make everything more portable. His new PS3 Slim Laptop takes the improved hardware of the Slim and makes it even more mobile with his notebook-inspired mod.
Read More »Cloud Cremation: Setting Out For the Data Bank in the Sky with a Sun SPARCstation Urn
Just as they say “live by the sword, die by the sword,” the same goes for geeks. Mr. Alan here was such a fan of his Sun SPARCstation that his ashes were placed inside of one (a SPARCstation in pristine condition I might add), complete with a name plate decked out with a quote from what other show then, you ...
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