There is surely a large percentage of you who have been holding out on the iPhone not out of spite, but because you just don’t have the extra cash laying around. In these times of financial strife, sacrifice is essential. If you still want to at least LOOK like you can afford an iPhone, is selling non-working display models ...
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Phone Fingers Protect Your iPhone from Smudges, Pregnancy
Just like little condoms for your fingers, the Phone Fingers fit snugly over your digits, though these have a slightly different purpose than condoms. While it’s nice to protect the iPhone from getting impregnated by your limbs, the purpose here is to prevent screen smudge. So you have a choice. Smudgy screens or pointing fingers and laughing bullies. Forget about ...
Read More »Dev-Team Releases 3.1.2 Jailbreak PwnageTool 3.1.4
A few days ago, geohat released his updated Blackra1n app which promised a 30-second jailbreak for all of the Apple touch devices. Some people, including myself, had some issues with the updated app, some reporting that the app left their device stalled in restore mode. The Dev-Team has released their slightly-less user friendly, albeit more reliable, PwnageTool 3.1.4 for jailbreaking ...
Read More »Use Your DNA as Your iPhone Wallpaper
It’s been quite a while since DNA art was first introduced. These days, French company Helys not only lets you order prints of your DNA, but even offers to create a wallpaper for your iPhone featuring your own genetic image. Helys sends you a DNA test kit in the mail, including a mouth swab for gathering your tasty saliva genes. ...
Read More »Make It Rain, Bitches: Blackra1n 30-Second iPhone 3.1.2 Jailbreak App Goes Live
Blackra1n claims to be a 30-second jailbreaking tool for all devices running the iPhone 3.1.2 firmware. I didn’t have much success when I ran the app, but a lot of people seem to be having more luck than I. The Blackra1n blog warns that 3G or 3GS users who require their phones to be unlocked should not upgrade to 3.1.2 ...
Read More »PSP iPhone Case
From the same Etsy designer who brought us the Xbox 360 iPhone case. The “screen panel” flips open to reveal a clam shell iPhone case meticulously designed to resemble Sony’s portable PSP console. Now if only we could download PSN content onto the iPhone. Link [via]
Read More »Puff! App Brings the Wonder of Upskirts to the iPhone
Upskirts are sort of a phenomenon in the porn industry, especially the among the Japanese population. Creepy men with hidden cameras scout the streets for unsuspecting ladies and broadcast their unbelievably sexy findings on the web. Watching these videos is sort of a blurry area of the law. Avoid the legal system by producing your own upskirt shots right on ...
Read More »Cocaine Scale in an iPhone Costume
Scarface would have been all over this Cocaine Scale, which makes the device resemble an iPhone. Take off the mobile-esque case and poof, snort away into your own magical world of speed. A scale is essential for dealers who like to measure their sale out to the exact milligram. While in its case, the scale looks like your average iPhone, ...
Read More »Dreamcast Controller iPhone Dock
Old meets new(ish) in Jay Hauf’s Dreamcast iPhone Dock creation. Mr. Hauf, you have just propelled yourself into one of the top spots for best iPhone dock mod. I don’t know if this is cooler than the Dinosaur Dock, because come on, it’s a fricken’ dinosaur, but it’s pretty damn close.
Read More »MMS Messaging Arrives
The carrier file which enables MMS messaging on the iPhone is now live on iTunes. So a feature that should have been included from the get-go has just now gone live… more than two years later. Right. We love AT&T. Better later than never I suppose. At least it’s working.
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