This guy is a fucking genius. Servotron, the man behind the tapestry, is a cross stitching genius who has recreated the entire world map of the SNES classic The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past out of whatever it is you stitch with. Very cool, but if you thought this was badass, wait until after the jump…
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Wii Balance Board Controlled Labyrinth Game
The Wii Fit was tough to find this holiday season and it seems that it hasn’t gotten any easier to come across. If you’ve got a Wii Balance Board collecting dust because you’d rather not use it to play video games, why not do as the CCCKC do. Jestin Stoffel and Vince Thompson used an Arduino microcontroller and two servos ...
Read More »Miyamoto’s Game Solving System For Newbies
Holy shit. Apparently Miyamoto still has some ideas lodged in that adolescent skull of his. Nintendo has recently filed a patent application in the US for a system that will potentially aid gamers via computer controlled characters in sections too difficult for the player to overcome. This idea comes straight from Miyamoto who is worried that some games are too ...
Read More »Custom Painted Retro Systems
It can be quite difficult to find classic gaming consoles and games that predate the original Xbox. After all, the Nintendo Gamecube could be considered retro by today’s standards. Scratch that. The Gamecube was retro the moment it came out. If you’re in the market for some quality retro gaming, what better way to go than a painted SNES. The ...
Read More »8-Bit Flowerpots
If Mario and Peach settled down one day and bought a castle in the countryside, I’d imagine this is what their garden would look like. Though I’m not sure how Mario would feel about a Piranha plant growing in his own backyard. I would imagine a little fire would take care of the job…
Read More »The 16-Bit Genesis Bag
Here’s a bag I’d sport proudly in public. It’s designed like SEGA’s 16-bit Mega Drive system, aka the Genesis here in the states. Sometimes you’ve got no choice but to pick sides in a console war. Too bad you can’t get this $55 dollar bag in a Nintendo flavor. SEGA fans only, please. Link [via]
Read More »Nintendo To Launch Wii Video Service In �09
Dentsu Inc, Japan�s largest advertising agency, is aiding Nintendo in launching a video distribution service on Nintendo�s home console, the Wii. The two companies plan to offer programs exclusive to the service, allowing old people and little kids to get down with some cartoons and other entertainment content. However, nothing in this world is free (except Wii Sports) and viewers ...
Read More »Make Your Own Wii Games With MoteDaemon
Here’s a bitchin’ application for Adobe Flash/Flex developers. It’s called MoteDaemon and it’s kind of like Matt Damon except it allows you to create Wiimote-controlled applications for OS X. Now, you too can create your very own sub par Nintendo Wii games for your Mac. To make your experience of making lousy games for old people and kids even easier, ...
Read More »Crap Console Equals Crap Repercussions
I warned you about the Wii. Some of you listened, most did not. Well, I hope all the Wii owners who couldn’t refrain from calling me a PS3/360 fanboy in the comments all crack their LCD screens while playing sub par games. I’ll be a fan of anything and I mean anything as long as it isn’t the Wii. Look ...
Read More »Use Korg DS-10 Software As A Talkbox
Here’s a video of a gentleman from Japan using his Nintendo DSi, the microphone, Korg DS-10 software and a bendy straw. He then proclaims it’s a “Talkbox! Talking modulator!” I couldn’t agree more. If you’re looking to live out your Peter Frampton fantasy, this is as cheap as it gets. Just don’t embarrass yourself with a similar Youtube video. Link ...
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