Now, this is my kind of Craigslist ad. But honestly, that PPS is ridiculous. How can you expect no nerds? That’s like throwing an anime convention and banning artists, or even more ridiculous, banning costumes. Link [via]
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Power Glove + Arduino
Anyone old enough to have owned an NES when it was the prime system knows how awesome the Power Glove could have been. Alas, it was just a controller bolted to a neat-looking glove. Now, 20 years later, Matt Mechtley has done the impossible and has officially made the Power Glove cool again. Using an Arduino, a Bluetooth module and ...
Read More »Huge Nintendo Power Glove Tattoo: Gaming Tats Keep Getting Better
Personally, I’m getting a little tired of gaming tattoos, but each one that comes out sets the bar a little higher–which makes them hard to resist. The latest comes to us courtesy of Myck McClung at Three Saints Tattoo in Pensacola Florida. As you can see, this dude thinks the old Nintendo Power Glove is bad-ass. And I thought the ...
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