I realize that Steve Jobs is really psyched about turning the iPhone and iPod Touch into fully-fledged gaming platforms. That’s great. There are tons of fantastic games for these devices, produced by powerhouse studios and publishers like Electronic Arts. Unfortunately, the classic NES title Mega Man II is not fantastic. Look at this retarded control scheme Capcom set up. It ...
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Skype Coming to iPhone
iPhone? We don’t need no stinkin’ iPhone! eBay has announced that its ultra-popular VoIP software, Skype, will be available for download sometime on Tuesday. The application will change the way people use their iPhones and could even put a dent in sales of the Apple device as more people choose the unrestricted iPod Touch over the iPhone. All your standard ...
Read More »EA Explains The Sims 3 DRM Scheme
Before you get your molotov cocktails out and start heaving them in the direction of the Electronic Arts offices, stop and listen. We all know what a clusterfuck DRM caused for the game Spore. People bitched quite a bit and this time around, EA is going to listen. On the official Sims 3 blog, Rod Humble from EA just posted ...
Read More »GlitchNES: Who Needs Guitars Anyway?
Previously, I showed you how to manipulate video using Pure Data and a MIDI controller. This time around, we’re skipping the computer and all the bullshit. Using a program called glitchNES, you can now alter code in your favorite NES ROM to produce glitchy, hacked video and music. I’d imagine it would be awesome for live performance or video manipulation. ...
Read More »OHM64 MIDI Controller
You’ve got beats, you’ve got a party. How are you going to bring it? Simple. Wait until Livid releases its OHM64 MIDI controller. It features a built-in LED matrix with push buttons. This will allow you to sequence only the cheesiest of 4/4 beats, ensuring maximum danceability. There are also plenty of knobs, buttons and sliders for you to play ...
Read More »POV iPhone App Allows For Endless Fun
We’ve covered our fair share of persistence of vision gizmos here on Gearfuse. You know, you wave something around in the air and the message is written in the air. You can easily get a kit and build your own POV toy but why bother? You most likely have an iPhone so just download the Light Writer app from the ...
Read More »Nintendo To Roll Out App Store?
Take this rumor with a grain of salt, but there’s indication that Nintendo could be coming out with an App Store of its own for the Nintendo DSi. The device has two cameras on it, so it makes perfect sense to allow third-party developers to take advantage of the DSi’s unique hardware. Sources say that Nintendo is actually pushing this ...
Read More »Beat Blender Prototype
The Arduino continues to power innovation and creation well into 2009. This blender, created by Matti Niinimaki, is rigged to create beats. No smoothies here, folks, just pounding techno full of cheesy sound FX. The Beat Blender prototype reads fruit embedded with RFID tags that are dropped into it. Hitting different blending speeds (Puree, Liquify, Blend, Grind, etc.) will add ...
Read More »Microsoft Unleashes Internet Explorer 8
Like a bat out of hell, Microsoft this morning released Internet Explorer 8. As the follow up to the ultra-successful IE7, version 8 has a lot to live up to considering how commonplace Mozilla’s Firefox is becoming. New features include searching with images, web slices, new accelerated rendering engines and…well, yeah. That’s the gist of it. Walt Mossberg from the ...
Read More »The iPhone 3.0 OS Update
So yesterday, Apple held one of its little private conferences where they go over some sick new product or service. This time, it was the iPhone 3.0 OS. So much stuff was covered that there’s no time for jokes. Let’s dive right into this shit:
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