Note: This in-depth review of SOCOM: Confrontation was done by my brother, Dave. Can you believe this shit? Where does Sony get off selling an online game that doesn’t work online, let alone a game that sucks ass when the online does momentarily work. You know what the game box is good for? A plate for my pizza. That’s it. ...
Read More »Tag Archives: software
No Facebook App For G1, Android Users
Way to be lame, Facebook. Thanks to Facebook being a bitch and blocking Google’s Friend Connect service, Facebook in turn will not develop a standalone application for Android. This comes as a huge disappointment to both myself and Google. A lot of people are addicted to Facebook and although the G1 handles the normal Facebook website just fine, a dedicated ...
Read More »The Old Republic Without The Knights
Star Wars MMO, round two! LucasArts managed to completely destroy any redeeming concept that a MMORPG held in the Star Wars universe, with help from Sony Online Entertainment. Forget Star Wars Galaxies because a new Star Wars MMO has been announced and it’s going to take place in the time frame of Star Wars: The Knights Of The Old Republic. ...
Read More »Sniffing Keystrokes By Monitoring Magnetic Field
Two doctoral students, Martin Vuagnoux and Sylvain Pasini from the Security and Cryptography Laboratory at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, have discovered a potential threat to security that declares keyboards “unsafe to transmit sensitive information”. By monitoring signals produced by keystrokes, the researchers were able to reproduce what had been typed on 11 different keyboards using a variety ...
Read More »World Of Warcraft Custom Guild Tabard Shirt
Some people who play World Of Warcraft have more friends in-game than in the real world. Typically, when one has built up enough friends online, they form a guild. Once everyone has decided on a guild tabard, it’s time to show off a little guild pride by flaunting the virtual garment around a virtual city. But what if your guild ...
Read More »Electronic Rubik’s Cube No One Will Buy
While digitizing a Rubik’s cube would offer little more than confusion and frustration, at least it’s a one-up from Hasbro’s Lights Out. However, it is not a one-up from the original design of the Rubik’s cube, which is a classic amongst puzzle games worldwide. Rubik’s cubes were always the cheap toy you could throw around when you couldn’t solve it, ...
Read More »The New Arduino
The Duemilanove (meaning “2009” in Italian) is the latest addition to the Arduino line of microcontrollers. It looks like it’s predecessor, the Diecimila, and also shares similar specs with one main subtle difference: the Diecimila has a jumper which is used to select a power source (USB or external power) while the Duemilanove automatically selects the appropriate power supply , ...
Read More »The Beat Goes On and On and On
The musical trio from Tokyo, Japan known as d.v.d. sound like a blast to see live. The group consists of drummers Itoken and Jimanica and visualizer Takashi Yamaguchi. As the drummers play and beat on the drums, Takashi projects and manipulates brilliant imagery on a screen. The sounds trigger geometrical shapes and landscapes via Processing (just like Metamorphosis 2), ensuring ...
Read More »How To: Run Mac OS X on a PC
I have to admit, the last place I ever expected to see a tutorial detailing how to install OS X on a PC would be the Register. But hey, Brian Hurley has a fantastic tutorial for those of you too broke to afford Apple’s hardware. The process is very detailed and is more suited for a long weekend than an ...
Read More »Motorola Readying Android Phone
Little is known about Motorola’s Android endeavor but the public will surely welcome another Google phone. Word on the street is that Motorola is preparing a touchscreen iPhone competitor that will run the Android OS and will feature a full QWERTY keyboard. Unfortunately, the unnamed phone won’t be available until Q2 2009, so don’t hold your breath. Link
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