See? There are still good people in the world. For no good reason, this French guy made codes for 235 different webcam drivers for the Linux operating system. After becoming frustrated that companies weren’t providing Linux drivers for their products, he went a little loco and decided to code all of them himself. So either this guy is a nice ...
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Call Mommy for free on Mother’s Day with Skype, even if she is only a room away
What’s the point of calling your Mommy if you live in the same house? There are two reasons, actually. Laziness It’s free and it’s Skype On May 13th, which is Mother’s Day if you don’t remember (you ungrateful prick), Skype is offering free phone calls to Moms around the globe. Will yours be one of them? — Andrew Dobrow Link
Read More »NBA takes on Second Life
Do you got game? Do you at least have Second Life? Great. Good news for you. The NBA has officially opened shop on the popular social virtual world. The NBA launched its presence in the virtual world of Second Life this morning, following an in-world press conference yesterday that featured NBA commissioner David Stern making the announcement. Built out by ...
Read More »iPod vending machines run on Windows XP…wtf?
This is a paradox we’re sure both Microsoft and Apple don’t want to find themselves in. With the better part of their advertising campaigns trying to show the differences between the two companies, the Zoom vending machines used to distribute iPods, run on the Windows XP operating system. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think? Of course, it would probably be ...
Read More »Starcraft 2 confirmed? And more from Blizzard: Will it be MMO? Oh, gee-whiz we hope so!
Blizzard has tipped sources that an announcement with much more detail regarding Starcraft 2, the sequel to the highly successful original, will be released at the World Wide Invitational, next month in Seoul, South Korea. For now, Blizzard has been keeping pretty mum about anything regarding a new Starcraft, and really, who could blame them. According to a Korean site, ...
Read More »Virtual Guard Dog digitalizes your home security
[ev type=”youtube” data=”KIUB2lFeECI”][/ev] It’s understandable why some people don’t like dogs. They smell, they’re always feeding on your treasures, and some people have powerful allergic reactions to their shedding fur. But what you gain not having one, you lose in personal home security. The Obscura Digital Dog is a totally fabricated doggy copy. The Obscura software allows users to turn ...
Read More »Ballmer lashes out: “No Zune phone…ever!”
Microsoft’s very own Steve Ballmer spoke out about the rumored Zune Phone recently, slashing the hopes of any Microsoft fanboys, saying “It’s not a concept you’ll ever get from us. We’re in the Windows Mobile business. We can put Zune into Windows Mobile, we can put Xbox into Windows Mobile. We can pour everything in.” Ballmer then proceeded to run ...
Read More »Dell’s bringing seXP back
Still wary about using the new Windows Vista operating system, users have been moaning and bitching to Dell about how they wish they could still get Windows XP installed on their pre-packed PC’s. Dell has answered their prayers by reissuing XP installed computers back into their products. The consumer backlash has caused Dell to offer the option of Windows XP ...
Read More »Who’s paying Microsoft’s legal bills? You are!
According to a calculation done by the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) a $21.50 “patent tax” is added in to every sale of Microsoft’s software products. This is the first time I’ve been informed that I was paying for Microsoft’s law bills before I switched over to OS X and Linux. Now that I know this information, I’m glad I ...
Read More »Gain super eye power with Nintendo DS
After all those brain and IQ training games on DS, Nintendo thinks that the next thing to train would be our eyes! So they announced this all new Eye Power Training game in Japan that works your eyes in 5 ways: 1. Motion vision: the ability of picking up and seeing moving objects clearly 2. Powerful glances: the ability to ...
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