Tag Archives: weapon

Zing = Instant Foodfight

Growing up, Ryan and I attended a pretty decent upper-middle class high school in New Jersey. We got in plenty of trouble and did a lot of bad shit, but one thing that never happened on a full-scale operation was the food fight. If we had used Zing spoons instead of shitty plastic sporks and other utensils, we’d have probably ...

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Umbrella Weapon Keeps Everyone From Questioning Your Authority

You might look like a pussy carrying this umbrella around if it weren’t for the fact that it’s unbreakable. Yes, that’s right. Just like the M. Night Shyamalan movie Unbreakable but without the fear of water. The umbrella is fully functional like any normal umbrella except for the fact that you could kill a man with it. Bludgeoning someone with ...

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The Revolution Will Be Fabulous: Prepare For Zombie Attacks With Style

So you’ve got your stylish Urban Security Suit locked and loaded in preparation for the next full moon but what sort of artillery power can the fashionista use to prepare for the next zombie attack? Peter Gronquist has the answer with his “The Revolution will be Fabulous” fashion designer weapons. Why use a standard rifle or chainsaw to slice through ...

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Hijos de Villa Tequila Gun: You Call That A Shot?

You feelin’ lucky today, punk? Well, shazzzam! If you need a new accessory for your Whiskey Holster, you might be very lucky indeed. The Hijos de Villa Tequila Gun chooses to opt out the violence of bullets, and replace every “shot” with 200ml of tequila in all of its drunk-aiding glory. You know what would be awesome? Drinking all of ...

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HCID Gloves to give soldiers hands on control

One thing that has always limited the soldiers of the military is that they always have to be attached to their weapon. There is never really any true and full concentration on other matters when your toting around an automatic weapon. Handwear Computer Input Devices (HCIDs) might be the future of militiary strategy and safety means. The HCID will let ...

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Rubberband gun pleases young boys and grown men alike

This is the dream toy of boys everywhere. While kids under 10 might not understand the power of this, just show them a picture, it’s in their genes to know that this is great. This, my friends, in an automatic rubberband machine gun. Remember the rubberband guns that took forever to reload after just one or two shots? Well, this ...

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