Do you have trouble seeing your watch? Do you want more trouble seeing your watch? In 2009 the Timex fingernail watch won Timex’s 2154 The Future of Time competition and lately the image of this futuristic watch has been making its rounds again.
Despite winning The Future of Time competition, this newfangled gadget has yet to become the next big thing and we’re pretty sure we know why. To start with, this watch is just too tiny – who can see their regular watch anyway and for those of us who are getting on in years, there’s just no chance. Then there are the women with press on nails or women who like their expensive manicures. There are the nail biters, the manual laborers…the list goes on and on. Sure, the fingernail watch is a “neat” futuristic concept but it’s just a little impractical – at least until we’re all shooting around in flying cars and even more lazy that many of us are already.