To Trash or Not to Trash Your Printer


In this day in age, you can walk into any big-box office store like Staples or Office Depot and pick up a printer for under $75 most of the time. For instance, I was able to procure a Canon all-in-one-style printer last year for $55 on sale. Problem is, after the ink cartridges (which, rumor has it, come only half-filled when you buy a new printer) run dry, you need to shell out the bucks for refills. This is when we must ask ourselves: Is it more cost-efficient to buy a new printer or buy refill cartridges?

BookofJoe has asked just that and lists the Epson C88+ printer as an example. It costs $80 and refills add up to $56. At that price, one has to really think hard about this. After all, you can recycle empty ink cartridges for $3 a pop at select stores like Office Depot. That’s $12 after your three colors and black. Each new printer you buy therefore comes with a $12 refund if you think about it.

So at $56 for refills versus $68 for a new printer with the $12 factored in (using the Epson C88+ as an example), I feel it’s best to just buy a new printer when your ink runs out and help contribute to the piles of shit in our landfills. Much easier.


About Mohit

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